
The ring that I lost

Selena was sitting in living room and glaring at the screen of her mobile. It been 20 minutes and G hasn't replied to her message.

Her sister, Cora, nearly fell next to her.

"What are you doing?" She pressed her temples.

Selena just realized, Cora was at home today.

"Nothing." She placed her phone away.

"How are you at home this time?"

"Not in the mood of going out." A servant brought her a juice.

Selena smiled and hugged her.

"Hey, careful."

"Sorry." She broke the hug.

"What about jeremy?"

"He is busy." She sipped from her juice.

"So, who is he?"

Selena looked at her with wide eyes.

"O, come on. I know there is someone. I am not like mom and dad." Cora rolled her eyes.

Selena blushed and she smiled.

"It's, it's....a friend."

"Is he rich?"

Selena looked at her.

"If he is not, then forget about it. They will not accept it."

"But jeremy was...."