
The ring that I lost

Selena opened her eyes and looked around. The place was unfamiliar to her. She tried to remember and the last thing she can recall was that she was in a club with her friends and then everything was blank.

"Finally you woke up." She heard G's voice.

"Ah, my head." She held her hand in her hands.

"You were quite drunk last night. It's good I saw you and brought you here or else..."

He gave her a glass of water.

Last night, he was in the same club with his friends. When they entered, he saw Selena with her friends. They were pretty drunk. He excused himself and picked the drunk Selena in his arms. The others didn't even noticed and this made his more angry. What if he was someone else? Not knowing where she lives, he brought her to his flat.

"Next time if you went for drinking, call me, okay?"

She gave him a nod.

"Call your parents, they must be worried."

"Okay....but you said you was going to meet your parents. Why are you still here?"