
Mr Alpha's Innocent human

"So, are you ready." Sid whispered in the ear of Grace who was trying to control her trembling body.

He back hugged her and held her hand tightly.

"I am here, I won't let anything happen to you."

Grace gave him a nod and Sid slowly lifted her hand so she can touch the soft fur of the wolf standing in front of her.

The wolf was no other than Zayn while Owen and Lisa were standing at a side to witness the whole scene.

Grace wanted to run away but Sid tightly held her. His one arm was wrapped around her waist while his head was resting on her shoulder.

Grace touched the soft fur of the wolf and tried to withdraw her hand but Sid's grip was more stronger.

"Relax." He whispered in her ear.

He softly ran Grace's hand through the fur and then she again passed out in his arms.

"Thirty seconds, it's a new record." Owen happily announced while Sid lifted her in his arms.

"Well, she is progressing." Lisa gesture Zayn to shift back and threw his shorts towards him.