
Mr Alpha's Innocent human

Grace lot at her watch and picked her stuff. She needed to reach the train station in an hour or else she hand to wait for the next for three days.

She came out and looked around. The sky was changing it's colour and soon the day was about to change into night.

The cab stopped in front of her and she sat inside.

On her way, she put a last glance on everything.

Suddenly the cab stopped with a jerk. The driver got out and tried to restart the car but all was in vain.

Grace looked at her watch and realized she didn't have much time.

She got out and took her stuff. The station wasn't much far so she start walking towards it while dragging her bag with her.


Owen was walking around the room not knowing what to do. He looked at Sid who was still in the same state.

"You need to stop her." He shouted at him.

Getting no reply from him, he sneered and came out of his room.

"I am going to the station." He shouted and came out of the house.