
Mr Alpha's Innocent human

Sid had to rest at home no matter how much he wanted to run towards the school.

His friends came to meet him next day while he was resting while browsing on his phone.

"I can't believe you are still using it." Lisa sat next to him on the bed.

"What?" He turned it off and put it aside.

"I am bored." He rolled his eyes on them.

"You nearly gave Grace heart attack." Zayn sat on the chair and chuckled.

Sid became quite.

"She is all right. Don't worry." Lisa tried to cheer him up.

Sid nodded and looked at his palm.

"Don't play any pranks on her again. She only has two more months here." Zayn informed him while his heart skipped a beat.

"It's good. She will be gone and everything will be back to normal." He thought.

Lisa noted him zoned out.

"Sid, is there anything to want to tell us."

"No, of course not. Everything is going well. I am just bored." He laughed and tried to divert her attention.

"I wasn't ready for a broken leg."