
Mr Alpha's Innocent human

Grace was trying to teach Xavier some formulas but he was still unable to understand.

"I don't think I can understand them." He sighed.

"I think, it's enough for today. You can come again tomorrow." She closed the book.

She saw them packing their bags.

"Hey, can I ask you two something?"

"Of course teacher." Owen smiled.

"Does this area has wolves, I mean, I hear a howl last night."

Both of them looked at each other.

"No, I don't think so." Owen then quickly replied her.

"Really, I am so relieved."

She smiled and got up with them.

"Be safe." She waved her hand at them who laughed and waved their hand in response.


The Alpha's family was eating dinner in peace when suddenly Owen remembered something.

"Teacher Grace was asking about wolves. I think Sid startled her last night." He complained.

Alpha Marcus nodded and looked at Sid.

"You should be careful around her. She is a human and you know we don't involve with human......"