
Contract marriage to Mafia lord

Stella woke up as the aroma of pancakes was making her stomach growl.

She came out and saw Grey making breakfast in the kitchen. He smiled at her.

"Breakfast will be ready in few minutes. Go and brush your teeth."

Stella nodded and came to bathroom. She washed her face and looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was looking like a ghost. She shook her head and decided to take a bath first.

She came outside wrapping a towel around herself.

Looking at her clothes, she picked shorts and a t shirt.

After getting changed, she came out where the table was full her favorite items.

"Come and eat." Grey was busy making omelate.

She missed him. She missed him a lot in past thirteen years.

"Grey, about dad..."

"Don't worry, he is all right. He didn't have an heart attack it was just upset stomach."

Stella gave him a confused look.

"Brother Patrick got discharged last night, so you really don't need to worry, little Stella." He put omelate on the table and motioned her to sit.