
Across the dangerous ocean

George looked at the picture in his hand. Since he came back from the house of Lewis family, he was sitting in his study while looking at the picture in his hand.

"I will never forgive them. Never."

He hugged the photo in his hand with wet eyes.


Cody never saw George again.  And right now she was on his yacht which was as beautiful as anyone can imagine.

She was following a staff member who was showing yacht to them.

"Please keep in mind, no one is allowed to go this side." He stopped and looked at them.

"Why not?" Helena asked them with a superiority in her voice. As the finance of George, this yacht belonged to her.

"It's work area and is for staff only. It can be dangerous to..."

"Okay, okay. Just show our rooms." Helena rudely ordered him.


Cody saw everyone settling in their room one by one until she was left alone.

"Excuse me...hmmm....I haven't..."