

They attend the event and were going to their rooms when Glow met her friend on the way.

Sam left her and went to his room.

After one hour after meeting her friend, Glow entered the room.

She fell on her bed tired and sleepy. She wasn't in the mood of taking a bath.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of door opening and saw Sam existing bathroom. He was wearing Shorts and a shirt while his hair were wet.

"What are you doing in my room?" She tried to look away.

"You are in my room." He said while walking towards the door. She heard a click sound.

"No, I have my key card." She looked at it and realized she has his key card.

"I am sorry." She got up but Sam was now standing in front of her. He pushed her on the bed and got on top of her.

"I want to marry you." He looked in her eyes.

"Sam, this is not a time to prank, let me go." She struggled but he pinned her down by grabbing her both wrist.

"This is not a prank." He leaned and put her lips on hers.

The touch felt similar to her.

"That, that night." She looked at him.

"It wasn't a dream. You are so easy to fool when you are drunk." He left her wrists and looked at her shocked expression with amusement.

"You, how could you....I am elder than you." She said after a while.

"I loved you when I first saw you at my birthday party." He removed his tee to show his perfect abs. He then put her hand over his chest and moved it down.

Glow heart was racing but she was controlling herself.

"Sam, leave me. This is my last warning." She said in angry tone.

"You are going to marry my sister."

She tried to stop him as he leaned to kiss her.

"I am going to marry you. You idiot." He pinned her wrists and start biting on her neck.

"Sam, please." She was about to cry.

"Marry me." He whispered.

"You are out of your mind. Let me go."

"You are not going anywhere." He attacked on her lips.

"Why you never had a boyfriend?" He looked in her eyes.

"Because I was always keeping an eye on you. You are mine, remember this." He kissed her again.

"Please think about Mary. She loves you." She was trying to free herself from his grip.

"I can marry her if you want to be my secret lover." He licked her lip who was swollen now.

"Are you out of your mind? Let me go." She was crying now.

"Then I am not going to marry her." He freed her.

"No matter what happens, I will only marry you." He smiled evilly.


Glow was avoiding Sam once they came back. A month had passed and she haven't seen him since then.

Once day her mother told her about the proposal that Sam send for her but she rejected it.

"I only thought of him as my younger brother." She looked at Mrs Goldberg.

Days passed and both families started preparing for the marriage of Mary and Sam.

She was still avoiding him when one day he met her in school.

"You know I will make her life hell." He picked a book while looking at the kids playing with toys.

"You will not. You are a good person."

"You don't know me." He smirked and left.


"You sure, you don't want to go." Mrs show asked her.

"No." She looked down.

Today's was Mary's marriage and she decided not to go. She was sad to not attend her sister's marriage but she don't want to create a scene on the marriage.

After everyone left she sat on the sofa while watching TV. An hour later she heard some voices. She turned her neck and saw some people entering while the bodyguards were unconscious.

Glow was so scared that she couldn't even run until one of them cover her face.
