
A love too innocent

Sky woke up feeling something heavy on her. She lifted her head and saw Gryffin's arms wrapped around her and his head burried in the crook of her neck.

Her eyes opened wide and she tried to broke the contact between them.

Gryffin moved a bit and put his leg on her, pulling her more closer to him.

She stopped struggling and sighed. It was going to be a long night.


Sky was quickly making breakfast when Kevin came and sat in the table.

She looked at him and her hands moved fast, flipping the pancakes.

"I am so sorry, Barbara isn't here and the work load just increased." She start putting everything in front of him.

Kevin smiled and gave her a nod.

"You can ask Olivia for help."

Sky stopped for a second. She never liked that maid much.

"No, it's not that much of work. It's just Gryffin..." She blushed while saying his name.

"Why are you not eating?" She changed the topic while Kevin interestingly watched her red cheeks.