
A love too innocent

Sky suddenly woke up and looked around. The room was dark and Gryffin was sleeping peacefully next to her.

She looked at the time. It was nearly 1 am. She was feeling thirsty therefore she got up and looked for water bottle.

She picked it up and realized it was empty.

She always get thirsty at night so she always keep a water bottle along her bedside.

Remembering Gryffin drank water from it before sleeping, she mentally slapped herself. Now she had to go to kitchen.

She slowly got up and left the room. While coming down the stairs she saw light in kitchen.

"Barbara, is that you." She softly called her but taking few more steps she was startled to see Kavin standing in front of her.

"What are you doing here at this time?"

He glared at her.

She showed him empty bottle.

"I was thirsty." She quickly walked towards the fridge and start filling his bottle.

From the corner of her eyes, Sky saw Kavin struggling for coffee.