
LOVE BOOK -A love story

love story of boy and girl

Chandan_rai · Ciudad
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4 Chs


After planning a lot with my friends. And I doing

a lot of research on internet .Read a lot of books

online and also buy some books from stall to

take idea ,how to propose a girl? ,how to built

confidence to propose any girl?

But all things go in vain because I did not have

any idea to propose.

I Finally decided to propose her.After thinking

the whole night .I decided to wrote a letter

(,which people locally call love letter) .Without

taking advice from any of my friends I tear a

page from my notebook from backside and

started writing letter .

I did not wrote a lot .I wrote the letter only the

feelings that I wants to express to her clearly .I

was very confident because my heart always told me that she loves me .The letter which I

was going to gave her was like this .....


I don'tknow your name .but I think you loves me

.I also loves you . after thinking a lot I decided

to propose you like this .

I know you loves me .If you loves me come near

school (a school I suggested her to come near

that school which I did not wants to share ) on

4o clock (a time which I suggested her to meet to

confirm that she loves me ) in the evening.

After writing this letter on the page I decided to

give this letter in the evening when she play

badminton in the evening time .(Actually this is

the right time to meet her everyday,everyday in

the evening I went near her to see her ,She also

sees me a lot at that time everyday ).

At 4 o clock in the evening I went near her

house. When she come near me I lose my

confident .

So,I decided to throw this letter when she will

see me .I did like this.When she was seeing me I

threw a letter near her home .And come directly

home.I was very fearful also that She will

accept it or not.

To know that girl accepted that proposal or not

please read the next chapter.....