
Chapter 41: Love, Blood, and Fangs

Julia Locke POV:

Marcus and Rob ended up begin gone for a while. I knew they weren’t far, but I didn’t know what could be keeping them away from the meeting at a time like this. Especially when there was so much that needed to be planned.

We weren’t going to wait for them to come back though.

Amity had come around to my side of the table, and we began drawing up a battleplan with me providing information Marcus would have missed during his scouting.

There were three entrances to the tunnels beneath my house that he wouldn’t have found and given how little time the kill team had been there, they wouldn’t know either.

Amity and I were deciding on a tunnel to use as an entry point for a potential assault when Rob and Marcus came back. Marcus stood behind me for a minute to figure out what I was doing before he spoke up. “Finding me a way in?”

“We’re finding a way in,” Amity replied coolly. “Whether you’ll get to see it is still up for debate.”