

Candace juggled grocery bags with one hand while opening the trailer door and sneaking out. The space between the kitchen counter and the hall cupboard was too tight, but what could a 22-year-old cashier and her sick mother expect? She was also carrying a bit of extra weight - something she inherited from her mother. "Hi, Mom," she said, pushing the dishes away to make room for the bags on the counter. -

His mother murmured a distant greeting from her usual place in her armchair in front of the television. "What's new in your story today?" Candace flicked through the stack

some mail. Fernando cheated on Sophie with Delia. I couldn't believe it!

I thought they were so in love."

Candace smirked as she opened a cable bill. Nothing new in the soap opera. Love is falling apart, love is falling apart - what happened to happily ever after? The next letter in the pile caught her eye and she set her bag on the counter next to the rapidly heating groceries. airmail. It looked like Indonesia. Someone named Rio. She leaned against the counter and opened the letter. read read and read again.

MHZ most beautiful Candace...

What? It couldn't be true. She read it again, but the words didn't change.

MHZ, the most beautiful Candace, I couldn't get you out of my head since we met on the beach in Bali. You were the only woman I could see that day with your golden hair. The things you whispered to me are meant to keep me up at night. I would like to know you better.

I am returning to the place where we first met on the beach

there, but your seat is empty, just like my heart ...

The letter went with more or less the same. "It's a joke?" She says aloud, turning the letter over and checking the envelope again. "What joke, honey?" her mother asked in a disinterested tone. Candace skimmed the words again, her heart rate quickening. She knew it couldn't be true, knew there was a mistake. And yet the words hit their mark. It would be so, so good if someone actually wrote those words just for her.

But Candace wasn't the kind of girl men wrote fervent letters to. And she certainly hadn't met someone named Rio on an Indonesian beach. His eyes fell on the framed photo of his family sitting on the microwave. She and mom filled most of the frame, and Tiffany snuck into the right quarter. Tiffany with her perfect blonde hair, her manicured nails and her model body. Tiffany has received many fiery letters. And Tiffany had just come back from a trip to Bali. Suddenly, the pieces fell into place and the insane hope that had grown inside her fell like lead in her stomach. "Are you coming to watch the story for me?" her mother shouted from her chair, not taking her eyes off the TV. 'One moment. I have to put away the shopping ». With a wistful smile, he folded the letter and slipped it back into the envelope. She returns to reality. After a day of checking groceries and shelves, she was tired, but Mom needed her. the two bedroom mobile home didn't take long to clean even though it was a bit dated and small. After taking away the groceries and starting the laundry, she too stood up with her feet. But watching soap operas made her want more. Something real.

Tiffany came in as they were finishing dinner in their television magazine. She jumped up the stairs as if she were walking on a catwalk and slipped across the door with free space.

She rolled over her flawlessly straight, long layered hair, walked over and gave Mom a hug and a ridiculous European kiss on both of her cheeks. Mom seemed to like it, though, smiling and indulgently stroking Tiff on her cheek. Candace received a slightly less enthusiastic hug before Tiffany turned to sit in one of the rarely used dining room chairs. "Do you want something adolescent?" Candace asked. "No. My stomach couldn't handle the things you two eat. Also, my new husband will take me out tonight. A five-star seat right on the water. Look what he gave me!" She pulled her hair behind her ears and shook her head, sporting a pair of teardrop diamonds that would have put a princess to shame. "Great," Candace said. "Ooh, they look so good on you," Mom said, waving her over so she could touch them. "I could never pull such dangling earrings. But you have such a delicate neck. Not like me or your sister. '

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Tiffany rummaged in her purse and pulled out a red velvet clutch, which she gave to her mother. "Something for you."

Mom smiled as she opened her purse and pulled out a glittering pile of diamonds. "Oh, Tiffany! You shouldn't have done that!"

"You deserve something nice, Mom." Tiffany pulled the necklace around her mother's neck. She looked out of place with her mom's oversized T-shirt, not to mention the semi-parchment scrolls that hung around her neck.