

After rumbling her brain for God knows how long, she decided to calm down and think oooh wait a minute i know this sounds ridiculous but when i was still in my previous life i read a lot of novels where one's soul could enter one's body and this person gets the memories but why don't i have any memories of this person.

Meanwhile in country A in a certain company building a cell phone rang looking at the number the owner frowned. Answering he asked the person on the other end "What" an excited voice came in "hyung she is awake" the grip on the phone was intense that it formed a crack.

He was just too happy to contain his happiness his darling was awake she was finally awake after having saved her from the verge of death he was afraid that he would lose her but thank goodness she is fine and she is finally awake.

"Ah hyung are you listening" hyung are you okay, hyung, hyung aah i know probably too happy hurry come back so that you can see bye bye and he hung up.

Probably in a lot of thoughts Kang Hoon quickly regained his senses and quickly pressed on the intercom and it immediately went through.

"Yes sir how can I help you", secretary Yoo arrange a flight for me back to country X now "yes sir right away".

Meanwhile in country X

knock knock

Come in

On entering Ji hyun looked at the beauty in front and said "hey yo wassup sister in-law" maybe Benice didn't hear it cause she couldn't believe her eyes the guy he always dreamed of his oppa was standing right in front of her she couldn't believe it.

Her final wish came true now she could die.