
Wait there and don't you dare move

After I haven't had any response I start walking up and while I been in the middle of stairs I said "prepare some plates with folk and bread"

"With butter or no" Megan ask

"Depend on you same with ketchup you can take it out or no," I said to them while going up. When I been close to doors I opened them and after I come inside I could see that Sophia was still sleeping 'you haven't moved at all from the moment I left you' I commented. After saying it I come closer and start shaking her shoulder.

While  I been doing it for some time I said to myself 'you really sleep deep sleep' and then I start moving her a little stronger while saying "Sophia wake up"

While I been doing it she opened her eyes while saying "I don't want to do this"

"Oh what," I ask her

"Sex I don't want it now," she said