
Something happened?

When we were watching series for some time and we just ended the second episode, I looked at Greg and then I said: "so what you have in plans".

"Do nothing for now," he said.

"Maybe you will stream," I asked.

"Maybe but I will ask this you want something to eat," he said while looking at me, and then I said, "not yet but I would like to eat pizza,".

"Hmm ok made by me or bought," he asked.

While hearing his words I said, "Made". 

"Ok I will leave you here and then I will go and check if I have everything," he said.

"No, take me with you," I said and when he gets up, he takes me on his hands, and while we walked to the kitchen, he looked at all shelves and while not having everything I observed him. When I was doing it he has done there and then he said, "I will go and buy what I need".