
Same pocket like always

While we go out of Sophia's house I started riding to the mall which we go so much. While we were driving for some time I looked at her and then she said "you want something,"

"No, I have all," I said.

"Oh, you don't have all," she said. While hearing her I said "so what I have enough t-shirts and underwear,"

"I know but you can have more," she said 'no hell no I don't want to have a full wardrobe of clothes which I will wear only once or never' I said to myself and then I said "don't think about it,"

"About what," she asked.

"Buying stuff to me," I said while looking at her eyes while we were on a red light.

"Oh, I'm not planning it," she said and when I started driving again Sophia said "stop there" while pointing on one shop.

"Why," I asked.

"Oh, stop there and come with me," she said. While hearing her words I drive there and while I walked out while seeing what this shop is selling I said to her „oh hell no,"