

Today I couldn't sleep normal. I wake up every 1,5 hour because of nightmares. I haven't dream about that b***h from long times but now she appears there every 'happy' moments what we share show up again. Then it was happy but now it was nightmares I share with her a lot of things.

When yesterday I find out that I'm going with Sophia to Poland I thought I forgot about her but it wasn't truth. Today night was as a proof. After fourth time I wake up I couldn't sleep so I start watching anime. I don't have a lot to watch but thanks to recommendations I find some and I watch.

I had no idea when time pass but by alarm ring. When I saw it I check all thinks one again and put my suitcase close to doors. I put there charger and my powerbank I put to backpack where I wanted my laptop to be. While I was putting it there I hears my phone ring it was text message from Sophia when I saw what was written there I answer 'ok call when you will be close so I could wait for you'.

When I write it I close down my laptop disconnect with TV and put it inside. I haven't watch on my PC because I forgot to buy internet cable. Yesterday I find old one in my laptop bag but when I connect it I had no connection.

I hadn't use it for long time most of time I spend here I use Wi-Fi so I hadn't notice. I could disconnect it from router but I spend a lot of time on my phone. When I discover it most of shops were close and I will buy it when I come back here.

While waiting for Sophia notice I had phone call first I thought is her so I answer but then I hear my boss voice

"Where are you? Skipping work its unprofessional that you haven't inform us that today you will have free day" he is angry.

"I'm going with Sophia to her business trip so you should be inform about it"

"really I had no idea about that let me check it"

"ok I will be wa… " I couldn't finish what I wanted to said and automatically voice start talking "please wait talk on hold" "please wait talk on hold" "please wait talk on hold" when I hear it I put down my phone and start making some think to eat I become hungry as hell.

I totally forgot that I eat nothing by all time I was wake up. When I finish I heard "Greg are you still there I confirmed what you said and its truth I will see you in 8 days"

"ok by boss"

When I hang out with him I saw I had text message from Sophia 'I will be late you could do some think but be ready I could call you any time'. When I read it I start eating again. While I finish I look and there only few minutes pass after her text so I could use toilet one more time before I go away. While I was sitting there I had phone call from here. When she said to me that she is outside I finish what I needed and go to her car. 'Time to back to home' I said to myself while closing doors and going down to her car.