
Mei is coming

When I was sleeping Sophia talks wake me up. While hearing it I get up as hunger hit me and when I walked to the kitchen where she was I could see that she is starting cooking. While seeing it I walked to use the bathroom and after it, I walked back to her and when I looked at what she is doing, I said: "so you make food".

"Yes, you was sleeping and now taste it," she said and when she gives me one sandwich, I tested it and then I said "it's good" and then I give her a kiss. When I did it, I looked again at what she has done and then I said: "from where you had this idea".

"Mei," she said while taking one, and then she started eating it. While she was doing it she added ketchup inside. While seeing it I said 'tomato should be better' but while I was too lazy for now I continue eating like that. When we were doing it we have done and then I said: "it's good but I would keep them longer".

"So next portion you can make," she said.