

When I was reading I go slowly down. As I was doing it I go to a part which was most important to me and while I looked there was 'LOW POSSIBILITY' when I read it I couldn't believe this. As I was reading one more time, I read it all and after they take a few tests it happened that Greg doesn't have a lot of swimmers. 

As I was reading it, I could see that they make few tests and while tears started coming to my eyes, I read that it's possible to have a child but it one on million chances. As I was reading it, I could see that tears started going to paper 'no girl be strong' I said to myself and then I put it on the side and I walked to the bathroom to clean myself as now I look like a witch, probably. 

When I was there, I looked at the mirror and then I said "this chance I need to use and we will have a child for sure" and then I started cleaning my face. As I was doing it, I could hear my assistant voice "food is here".