
Food on pan

When I pack all things from my flat to Sophia car I said to her "now time to go for shopping"

"Ok" she answered me while sitting as a driver. our travel go easy knowing that its free day and we could have problems while driving but we haven't see any jam. After we park and go inside of mall Sophia said to me while sowing her smile "I will go and buy one thing"

"What" I ask her

"Secret" Sophia said then she add "I will be waiting here" and she point fountain that are placed in middle of building.

"Ok" I answered her and we go in different directions.

I go to supermarket to buy food. When I enter it I take trolley and start going around it.

At first vegetables come I buy some tomato, onion, salad and potato. When I pack all I go further and I saw maded sauce so I take some don't knowing what Sophia will like so one of each that where there and I know what to do from them.