
Love at first irritate

It is my first time writing this novel , i hope you all will enjoy the story of Amber and Manuarr who met unexpected. My book contains the content which is based on real life and none of the author ever speaked regarding online love and also friendship which become toxic too with intentions. My short story novel Book is based on a real story and nobody speaked nor created something on the topic which comes in everyone's life atleast once may not it is love or friendship. Basically, it is good for young generation reader's to read it and also for parent's.

Ambika_Sonawane · Adolescente
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41 Chs

Teasing at home

Yet Shauzu didn't improved at all but he started to make Amber down in front of her Mother's eyes.

Amber was unable to see that. So she showed her the proof which she was having regarding Shauzu ( his voice recording ). But even after listening it , she didn't felt anything because Shauzu did some magic on her that she trusted him alot than her own daughter. Well it feels very much worst and bad when our parent's don't trust us and also adore others. Amber was so broken on seeing all the love given to Shauzu. Shauzu also slept at Amber's home for 2-3 hours and Amber was not knowing about it. But later on she got to know. Shauzu was used to lie to Amber that he don't call her Mother, while her mother herself calls him everytime.

One day Amber broken into parts on listening to the words of Kriz. Because Amber's Mother talked to Kriz that I don't have any objection regarding the marriage of Amber's and Shauzu if he likes Amber.

Well he should speak about it to me so that I will make him my son-in-law in future.

If he really likes my daughter then he should stop insulting her and also I will give my daughter's hand to him if he say so.

On listening to each and every line , Kriz also became so sad and he became so angry after listening that. And he told Amber whatever her Mother told him ; he even showed his anger towards Shauzu because he was also not liking whatever he used to do.

Even after Amber gaved him chances but he played the card by coming up with intentions in his mind and destroy the trust of Amber's mother towards Amber by filling her mind with fake things even after Amber didn't did anything.

After few days ; everyone at Amber's home started to tease Amber by his name. Everyone used to even praised Shauzu that he is so much good guy etc etc.

Amber got bullied by her younger brother , that Shauzu is her future husband and he is the brother-in-law of Shauzu.

Amber felt so much worst and always used to live each and everyday with tears in her eyes.

She was unable to handle herself so one day she spoked about it and had a fight with her Mother that stop talking with him , he is lying to you.

But still her Mother didn't believed it.

After that Amber was not having any road rather than stopping talk with her mother.

Amber didn't talked with her Mother for 3 months just because of him she gone so much away from her Mother.

Nor even she let her Mother to come nearby her nor she let her to touch because she started hating her mother just because of that fake guy which came like a villian in the costume of a friend in Amber's life.