
Love And Redemption: A Mafia story

A Love story between the beautiful and soft hearted CEO falling in love with one of the top Cold, brutal,hard hearted and unfeeling Mafia enforcer in the underworld. The Big Bad Gideon and The softhearted Workaholic Madison Wells. A blind date goes wrong, but their lives remain intertwined from then on and the pressure builds up. How Will Gideon show and convince Madison along with her overbearing parents and scary sisters that his sudden confusing Love for Madison is real and sincere? And how will Madison finally come to make peace with her past that has somehow become her present ,thereby making it the biggest hurdle in she and Gideon relationship. Will they ever be able to be together? "i told you clearly Gideon,we won't ever work." "and I told you clearly Adi. I don't take no for a fucking answer."

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38 Chs

Chapter Seven


was the only warning I got before finding myself lying flat on my back on the floor of the boxing ring looking as dazed as I could get until a muscled sweaty hand was thrust into my line of vision.

I took the hand after realizing that it was meant to help me up.

"what the hell man?"a voice asked me after i had gotten on my feet . I looked towards where the voice came from, and saw nothing but worry written on his face as he stared at me incredulously.

"I'm fine Marco, just got distracted that's all."I said dismissively but Marco didn't buy it for one minute.

"yeah, no shit. It was quite obvious to see that you were distracted. If nothing else, the fact that I just knocked you out three times is more than enough to know."

I winced internally when he mentioned the number of times he had knocked me out. Any other day,we both know i would have handed his ass out to him on a very rusty golden platter.

That's why he was probably worried, and it was really a good reason to be so i couldn't really blame him.

"you sure you're okay? Gideon? GIDEON!!!"

"yeah? yeah I'm good. Just feeling peachy. Look, let's stop here for today. It's obvious I'm clearly not in the mood for a spar or whatever."

"I clearly see that Gideon. Come on, what's up with you? You do know you can tell me anything right?"

I snorted "yeah sure" not believing that for any moment.

He sighed, sounding a little deflated "I'm serious Gideon. Like it or not, you are part of our famiglia now and that means you are going to have people who care about you and who watches your back. You need to start realizing that you are not alone anymore."

His words comforted me strangely enough and for a teeny tiny moment, I almost wanted to tell him what it was that had me so bothered. But as immediately as that thought crossed my mind,it was also rejected as immediately. Quickly, I put a tight lid to shut down whatever treacherous emotion was thinking of escaping. I'm completely fine and I don't need any help from anyone.

Marco must have seen the flurry of emotions on my face,must have seen when I decided to shut the lid and secure it more than thoroughly because the sigh he gave was one of defeat before he turned to start packing his things.

"I don't need anyone's help or care Marco, I'm totally fine."my voice had a rough warning edge to it. But I knew that what I said was more to myself than him.

Marco snorted and didn't bother to turn around as he already started setting out to leave the gym. "I can only pray it wont be too late before you realize how wrong you are." And with that ominous warning,he left.

Shit! I ran my hands through my hair, feeling more frustrated than I had ever been. I grabbed my stuff and then left the gym, not even bothering to reply to greetings that were extended my way. I was in a para mood.

I soon arrived in my condo that had a little bit of distance between me and the rest of us because I vehemently rejected and passed off the offer to stay at one of the estates that was owned by the famiglia because I would really love to keep what little was left of my sanity no matter how little I know it was thank you very much.

After a hot but nonetheless relaxing shower, I lay face flat down on my bed, not even bothering to put clothes on - it is my condo and I could do whatever I please damn it.

Lying on the bed and not feeling any lull of sleep finally got to me and without meaning to, my mind turned towards Madison. Just like it has been doing since I came home from the date last night.

All day long i have been trying to deceive myself, behaving like a coward, telling myself that I didn't know what was wrong with me, that I didn't know the reason or cause of my distraction, but I knew deep down what it was.

And it was her! Freaking Madison Wells. The damn cute and adorable Madison Wells, to which i had no doubt done more than enough damage to through my hurtful words and actions yesterday.

I can't seem to stop thinking about her ever since I came back yesterday and the worst part was i couldn't seem to get the image of how close she and Paul was yesterday when he was comforting her. The hot flare of jealousy that came over me surprised even me myself. I couldn't help but wonder who that bastard was to her that made her look so safe and happy in his arms.

My fists curled in anger as I recalled that scene over again, and not to even talk of the glare the bastard had directed at me. He was damn lucky he wasn't in the gym today because if he had,then I would have thought him a lesson or two about looking at me the wrong way.

Yes, Paul was a part of our famiglia, but he prefers staying out of any of the gory and bloody politics that our world brought to the table and settled for handling some of the business part instead and Tyler let him because it was also necessary for us to have a legitimate front instead and Paul was best at what he did.

His sense for business did not only make our business boom, but made himself recognized globally

He was a business tycoon in his own right, ruthlessly running his business and pushing it to greater heights.

But that also didn't mean he couldn't shoot a gun or murder someone in the blink of an eye in so many ways, I had seen him do that and the ruthlessness at which he did was only second to mine only that he prefers not to do so if not necessary. And for that, I respected the guy a lot and maybe that's why the bastard had the nerve to glare at me. I was going to have to draw some boundaries now though.

And I would start doing so now by putting freaking Madison Wells to the deepest and furthest reach of my mind, to try my best as possible not to think about her eyes that were filled with so much pain and acceptance when I spoke those downgrading words to her yesterday.

Try not to think about why she didn't get angry as I told her those things like i thought she would have been and what had happened to her that made her feel that way about herself. That was the only way I could hold on to my sanity even if it kills me.

I wanted to forget her and I already had somewhere and someone in mind. I didn't waste time as I dressed as fast as I could, already locking my door, my house and car keys in my right hand, already dialing Breanna's number in order to make plans with her, only one goal in mind: And that was to forget Madison Wells as quickly as possible.

Ignoring the little voice at the back of my mind that kept on telling me it was nothing but a fool's errand.

Anyone really surprised about Paul's identity?

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