
Chapter 1:Adventure begins!

"Another girl cheated on me, unbelievable!" He said in an angry voice

The boy was walking in the center of Tokyo wearing a blue sweatshirt, blue pants and black sneakers. He had short blond hair and brown eyes and looked angry.

"This is really outrageous, how come every girl I think is the real one cheats on me?" He continued talking angrily

While he was walking a light breeze was blowing that caressed the trees while the sky was blue like the sea, cats and dogs were walking while people were sitting in the park with their partners and he was the only one walking without a girlfriend

"How come everyone has their girlfriends like this, what's wrong with me so every girl cheats on me after a few days" he continued to say angrily

While he was still walking, he saw a girl with black hair and looked at her

"Hm, this girl is beautiful. I'm going to approach her and we'll see what she says," he said happily and walked up to her.

He walked towards her waving at her as she started to look at him

"Hello beautiful, I'm Akihito" he said with a smile

The girl turned to him and started laughing

"I already have a boyfriend, but good try," she said with a smile and left

He started clutching his head as people passed by and stared at him

"Oh, I had a great chance, but there's already a guy," he said disappointed

He walked with his head down and his hands in his pockets

"I had a lot of girls, but they all cheated on me, I need real love, but I have a feeling that it will never happen," he said in a sad voice

Meanwhile, in the big villa that was full of guards, it is the biggest family of assassins in Japan and they are also numerous

In the big room that was red was a girl with black hair and blue eyes and she was wearing a black female assassin's uniform

"I can't believe I'm still doing this" She said with a sad look as she buried her face in the pillow

While she was sad, a man in a black suit came

"Come on, daughter, we have a mission to complete," he said in a sharp voice

"I don't want to do this anymore, I'm tired of killing people!" she said angrily

"That's why you were born! You'll kill until you die so that all dreams about leaving are thrown away, do you understand that!" He said it so loudly and sharply that she cried

"Okay dad, I'll be back soon," she said quietly

He left slamming the door on you as she started to cry

"I hate my life," she said sadly

Ali then got up from the bed as she stood with a face that showed that she would not give up on her intention to stop killing people who didn't deserve it

"I've decided, I'll stop using my powers for bad things and I won't be on this mission for long," she said with a serious face

She understood what she wanted and showed her character that she would even stand up to her father

She got dressed and left the room

"Dad, let's go," she said seriously

Meanwhile, Akihito was walking towards his house with folded hands

"Now when I get home the only thing left for me is to watch a movie to get over this pain" he said sadly

Akihito entered the house and just threw himself on the bed taking the remote

"I have to find a better movie to stop this," he said while flipping through the channels

He found a movie and started watching it, but he immediately remembered the girl who cheated on him

"I can never forget it," he said, leaving the remote control on the table

In the meantime, the girl's father has gathered a couple of his new assassins who will help them kill the drug lord

"The reason why I only invited you so much to the mission is because we are going to kill the drug lord, but he is only a beginner so we don't need much, we will start when my daughter comes too

As he stood his daughter came in her uniform as everyone bowed to her

"I'm ready father, shall we?" she asked

"Of course we will, everyone after me!" he said loudly

The soldiers he chose obeyed and followed him while Kcerka stood for a few seconds

"This will be my last mission and I'm ready to fight"

She said that and she followed them

After a few minutes, they reached the big house of a drug lord who has two guards at the door

"Only two guards, get rid of him rookie" he said and pointed his finger

"Sure boss"

When he said that he started to hide in the shadows and called a guard, after the guard heard something he went there but the latter grabbed him by the neck and broke him

"Not bad," said her father

The guard wondered what had happened and headed there

"Where did he go?" asked the guard in amazement

When he left, that same assassin caught him and broke him like the previous one

The boss's daughter just watched and began to think

"I should have left all these years, but what's here is"

The newbie began to show with his hand that it was clear and that I could enter

"Let's go, daughters and others," said her father, waving his hand to let them in

Everyone walked slowly towards the door and immediately ran into the house, and at that very moment the drug lord came out and looked at them in amazement.

"What's going on, guards!"

He shouted but there was no sound from them

"You're a drug lord," shouted her father

He looked at his daughter

"You have the honor to kill him, daughter," he said

"You are the father, I have the honor to get rid of all this," she said with a smile

The father turned around and found out, but it was too late because she had already killed all the soldiers he had brought and she was left there in the blood

"This life will finally be over," she said with a smile

Then she started running and her father started running after her

"You can't run away from me until I die, can you hear me!!" he said with anger in his voice

"You can die freely but I will run away so we will see each other!" she said

She then threw smoke bombs and disappeared while the father remained angry

"I will attack you and kill you, I swear with my life!" he said very angrily

Meanwhile, Akihito turned off the television and got up because he was bored of watching movies

"The night is beautiful so I'm going to go outside for a while to forget about today" he said and headed for the door

He headed outside but when he came out he saw a girl running

"Why is this girl running at this time of night" he wondered

While he thought it was an ordinary girl, it is actually none other than a girl who ran away from her past life and her father