
Snake bite

We landed on the palace soon after. We couldn't leave Sara at her place because it was no longer safe for her, we all know what Iruk is capable of.

Even if my father declared peace between the kingdom and Iruk we could still smell bloodshed because Iruk isn't a Fairy who can just accept defeat.

I felt so weak, I need something to eat. I felt nausea and I knew I can pass out anytime now. I looked at Sara though the vision was blurry and tried to open my mouth to assure safety but I fell on my knees.

Sara rushed to hold me but it was too late..

"The Prince!! My Prince! My Prince!!"

I heard the shouts from a far, I don't know why I'm so weak, this isn't my body! no no no it can't be.. the next thing I saw was a strong darkness before I passed out.

Guards rushed to pick me up and took me to the living room, Sara picked a wet towel, moved the silky hair covering my forehead and placed the cold wet towel on my forehead.. In a minute our home doctor entered with a case full of herbal medicine.

"What happened?" He asked curiously trying to feel my pulse and temperature.

"He fell unconsciously on the ground, I don't know what's wrong with him, please doctor save him." Sara pleaded with sorrowful eyes.

"His pulse are dropping! hurry up and bring the white flower in my case!"

Sara's heart started pounding, she took the flower to him and upon studying my body she saw a dark spot on my foot.

"Look!" Sara pointed out the dark spot.

"Oh no! Where was he before! this is a dangerous snake bite"

Even if we fairys have the ability to heal, there are other natures that goes beyond our powers.

Doctor sucked the venom out and covered the wound with herbals and wrapped a light piece of cloth over it.

"He will be ok, at least he's strong, his body fought with the venom for over 3 hrs. Let him rest and give him enough food and water.. Wait where is the king and the queen?"

"I think they are discussing a very important issue."

"A very important issue? at night?" He appeared to be In deep thoughts then said, " Ok, say hi to them." and walked towards the exit.

I woke up after some minutes still feeling dizzy and stoned. My eyes caught a beautiful lady with rainbow wings, her eyes were green and her skin looked fresh as morning dew. She walked towards me and as she approached she looked so familiar, Sara?

"Sara what are you doing here, thought you have gone back home.." I said with faintly weak voice as I tried to lift my heavy head from the pillow, the struggle was like the pillow had hands that was pulling me back the moment I tried to lift my head.

"Lafnis! I can't just leave you by yourself, you're weak, besides your parents haven't came out of the meeting room."

"Sara you're a loyal friend, thank you." I said laying my head back on the pillow.

Sara is a loyal friend I don't know what I could have done without her. She took a cold wet clothe and placed it on my forehead.

I heard voices coming out of the meeting room

"General Ramon prepare for tomorrow's travel in fact were already late."