
Lafnis POV

I thought Father was going to train us today, but I think he's busy, after I saw King Doren this morning, a very an expected visit I knew something is wrong. I have never seen my parents so tensed, but asking them what's wrong is not a good idea...

the kingdom felt so silent, am I missing something? yes... where is Sara, past 11 now and she haven't appeared yet, I wonder what's taking her too long.

I need to check on her, she's the only friend I have.

Being from a Royal family have some or more disadvantages... Like; I can't make friends with others from a non-Royal families,I mean it's possible, but rare.

I flew to Sara's house to check on her but unluckily she had gone out to the woods, "This is weird, Sara can't go out on her own, what's more weirder, 'on the woods? ' impossible" I had a mini conversation.

I flew to the woods, on my own, with no guards because I left without even my parents permission. I am sure General Ramon is out looking for me right now before my father finds out that I'm missing.

After searching and searching for Sara, I came near an abandoned house, it looked creepy and dark inside. I decided to turn back and head straight home but seems like I'm lost.

I tried to flap my wings, 'To fly back home', but because of the long tough journey, I'm already tired, I can't even feel my wings.

I'm hungry, and to make it worse I'm Lost in the woods, scared and all alone.

"will my father ever find me, I'm weak to walk" I started to sob.

I lay on the grass, not far from the creepy house.. tried to cover my numb feet with my Royal robe, and fell in a deep slumber.

but In a moment of time.. something woke me up.. a voice, 'wait I know that voice' clearly familiar... sounds like a little girl calling out for held. I stood up quickly and rushed to the voice point. I saw Sara running towards me, but I had a blurry vision because it was getting dark and I just come out of a nap.

But soon as she came closer, my vision was clear. She came straight towards me a grabbed my hand. We started running towards the creepy house, Sara opened the door and we slid ourselves inside.

it's really dark in here but we managed to escape.

"What are you doing here?" Sara asked curiously

"The same question I were to ask, I'm here because of you.. hmm... I was looking for you" I answered with a faint voice.

"looking for me? why? and all alone?"

"Yes I had no time to ask for guards"

"Wait a minute, Nobody knows you're here, even your father?"

"Yes, and what were you doing in the woods" I got curious,

"I was on my own, I saw a butterfly, I decided to catch it, It was beautiful, I ran to catch it but it drove me deeper and deeper inside the woods."

Our conversation was cut by approaching footsteps, we peeped on the hole between the two blocks and saw a creepy looking Lady.

" That's Iruk, the forest witch.." Sara whispered