
Iruk's defeat

Iruk's return may tremble most of the villagers because no one can accept that Iruk is living with us again. I had a sleepless night because the moment I closed my eyes I saw her horrifying hideous face.

I overcame my fears and decided to sleep but that was the most regretful mistake I've ever made. I saw Iruk coming to me and kidnapping me, dragging me to the forest mercilessly, the dream was horrifying, Iruk drugged me to the awful house in the woods, I saw Sara being tied up in the house with blood dripping out of her tummy like tap water.

I tried to call Sara but she didn't say a word, her face still drooped she didn't move an inch.

I woke up in horror. My heart pounded like it was ready to burst out of my chest, I felt so uneasy, tears rolled down my cheeks, Sara might be just a friend but she occupies the largest part in my heart.

I woke up, still in my night gown, I felt like Andria had cracked open to swallow my poor heart, I wore my shoes and opened the Window, "I believe Sara must be in danger"

besides my wings being feathery, I can fly very fast than any fairy except my father.

I flew direct to Sara's house, it was at midnight, I found their house wide open as if they just got invaded, I went in and found no one and things were a mess, I knew something wasn't right.

I flew direct to the woods to the abandoned house and heard someone crying in low tone like he/she is taped. I got furious and broke in with more power like my father, I felt my eyes burn like hell fire, I could feel my blood running in flames like lava.

I saw Sara with her face drooped like the way I saw her in my dream but Iruk was no where to be found, I untied Sara from the chair and healed her fresh cuts, this really broke my heart, besides the night being chilly I didn't shiver even a bit. Some powers like healing were activated by my emotions. I got very furious I could hear a pin dropped miles away, my eyes were so super visionary I could see at night and my wings flapped even more faster.

I saw Iruk approaching and I said to my self "LET ME END WHAT MY FATHER COULDN'T" Iruk could feel my fields of magic I flapped my wings so fast that made Iruk to stumble I rushed and grabbed Iruk by the neck and flew with her up in the sky.

She struggled but it was effortless, turning my face downwards I saw Sara still unconscious on the ground, this awoke my demons, my fangs grew out of nowhere, I flapped with much power that I reached to an altitude that no fairy have ever reached then I loosen up my grip and Iruk dropped freely and helpless, she had no one to save her, not her powers nor her wings.

The moment she hit the ground, her body parts splattered like a drop of rain hitting the ground. Her head was decapitated from her body, and that was the end of Iruk.

I took Sara and flew her to the castle, I was so tensed that I couldn't sleep, I killed someone at my younger age, I won't tell anyone but Sara must know, hope she'll keep it a secret.