
Child Life

"When you were born everybody rejoiced, I wish you could see the joy and tears in your father's eyes" Sara told me. Sara is my mother, I'm four years old now.

"Son, you are my everything.." I really love those words from my father. His name is Joel, he's the king of our planet called Andria.

my father proceeds to tell me that there are other planets like; Planet krypton, Planet Johen, Planet kreima and many others, but Planet Johen is very close to our planet.

Growing up is very easy and fast especially when you are a Prince. I'm now five yrs old and 5'5 feet tall.

But I'm a little different from my brother and sister, Karel and Cara because I don't have wings. When I ask my father, he always tells me to wait my time will come but I really have the urge to fly, I want to experience it.

Today is another day, rise and shine the glow of rainbow and and the greenish of our land... but today feels a little different, I have severe pain on my back, I really need my mom, I rushed to my parents room and told them about my pain, they looked at each other and smiled.

"It's time."

"It's time?"

It's what time, oh the time I've been waiting for? OMG my wings I can't wait to see them.

But it's painful, I can't stand it, my mom held me tightly, I loved being under her arms for real. Being a lastborn have some advantages, I could feel some tiny wings on my back.

OMG this is magical, I can't wait to take my first flight. I loved seeing my father and his soldiers flying around the kingdom... like it was really adorable.

My wings are weak and tiny, they needed some days to strengthen up. Days were so slow I always imagine flying with my brother and sister even though they have experienced it already.

I have a friend called Sara just like mother, she has long hair, silky white hair I love stroking it but today I can't I'm weak than usual.

"Hey Lafnis, let's go out." she said smiling.

" You should have some respect, I am your Prince remember?"

" But you're always off crown.. " She says playfully.

five days out now, the pain is gone. I have strength but my wings are weak, I can't fly without help, I mean I can't take off or land without help I don't have much balance on air but luckily I have a friend and my age mate too even though her wings grew a little earlier.

I don't know why mine delayed but it's ok I love it and I can't wait to have a taste of my first flight.

"Son wait a little longer you need strength. " My dad told me. Yeah I have to wait for my own good.

Waiting for an extra day feels like a decade to me.