
About us

We live in harmony and love, where we all worship the same god Ashaga, my father spends most of his time there /let's call it a shrine/

We receive rain but we don't have the knowledge of planting crops but fruits grow naturally which makes us survive. the ability to sew cloths and the healing ability makes us fight death

We make highly advanced portals though magic ( as we all know fairys have magic). portals enable us to travel though different worlds like planet krypton and planet johen.

But we have one planet we have never visited, Planet of green lands . It's known that the green planet (allow me to use "Green planet").

We believe that the Green planet have naive and powerless creatures. We sent one one informer to the Green planet to gather some information but he came but nill and said to the king,

"That planet is suitable for invasion, we can invade it and dominate it, it lacks super weapons and magic.."

I lay down on my floating bed and ready to sleep but I heard a knock on my door, I rushed to open and found that it was my father.

" Lafnis, prepare yourself we're going on an important meeting. "

Why me? I was dead sleepy but a call is a call I slid on my Royal robe and rushed to the meeting room.

As I was walking down the hallway towards the meeting room I met General Ramon and he was in a hurry, he bowed slightly and said

" My Prince, please hurry up, your father is waiting for you. " he bowed again and left with no further words.

I picked pace and opened the meeting room door, my eyes cought; General Ramon, My mother, My father, Assistant General Croc and King Mela King of planet Kreima.

I gaped and my eyes widened like I have seen something horrible. it's rumoured that King Mela is the most diabolical King in the entire reign of Planet Kreima, he have dominated many kingdoms, weak kingdoms to be specific, he is easily involved in wars but I believe he isn't planning anything diabolical with King Joel.

"Lafnis, may you please sit down,"

sit down, yes I almost forgot I was standing. King Joel placed something that looked like a "plate" on the table and pressed a switch under the plate.

A globe floated in the air and he proceeded,

"This is the Green planet, it's wide and have water and enough food, about the security... I'm not sure, there is no Fairy there, it's just naive creatures.."

Wait... Why are we having this conversation, AT NIGHT.

Joel looked at me suspiciously and said,

" Pay attention!"

"As I was saying, The Green planet is suitable for settlement. We don't have much advanced portals to transport all the soldiers and our people there, King Mela, what's you opinion? Do you have much advanced portals to reach earth?"

" I'm not sure about that but if we combine our resources we can be able to make one advanced ultra portals for that movement. "

King Mela gave a brilliant idea and smirked

"Let's have this conversation some other time."