

Joyce_holar · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Episode 18

Tyler POV

"Kathy I'm going home now and I'll be back soon. If anything happens while I'm away, make sure to hit the emergency button. Can I go?" I said to Kathy rubbing her little hand. "Yes don't stay away for too long" she said with her meek voice "I won't" I smiled as I rubbed her cheek and I ran off, hailed a cab so I'll get home quickly to check the staff records. I got home and I found the house door ajar. I looked around for my gate man and the rest of my house worker but they were no where to be found. It was all making sense to me why the gate and the door was left ajar and a strange car that isn't mine is in my compound. I was about calling the police when I heard footsteps coming my way. I ran to hide where they can't find me and I saw some masked guys coming out of my house. I took some pictures of them and their car plate number. They were saying something so I started recording

"Where do you think the boy? He was not in the hospital when Scar got there"

"Have they taken his sister?"

"Yes call madam and inform her about the boy"

I heard them say they took my sister that I just left some minutes ago. I was at the brim of exploding my tears. I couldn't contain myself anymore I started crying silently. My ill sister is in those masked guys custody. Is the hospital not secured? How could they have taken her without the security noticing? A lot was going through my mind

"Madam we have the girl but we can't find the boy"

"We searched the house for the documents also but we couldn't find it"

"Okay ma'am we are coming now"

They ended the call and walked to their car then drove off.

I came out of my hiding place and called James and Chris on a video call.

"Guys my sister is missing and some masked guys came to my house"

"We need to involve the police immediately" Chris said

"Only to look for your sister" James said

"I'm heading back to the hospital" I ran out of the house with teary eyes.

James POV

"Hi Bella" I said to her as I was grinning ear to ear seeing her on my large screen in my room.

"Hi James" she said blushing

"I miss you"

"Missing you too babe"


"Yes babe"

"Tyler's kid sis got kidnapped"

"Oh my goodness" she screamed and Roxanne appeared on my screen "what did you just say?" She asked

"She got kidnapped in the hospital and she needs to get a transplant within 48hours"

"She was taken from a hospital where she is being hospitalized without the knowing of someone" Roxanne said

"So have you informed the police?"

"Chris did"

"Okay good we should await the police report then"

"Yh buh I want you guys to trail nana's movement "

"Oh ok sure we will" Roxanne said

"Okay thanks girls bye I have to go. Love you babe"

"Love you too " she replied

Roxanne POV

The screen went blank as James ended the call.

"What has Tyler's kid sister's kidnap got to do with mama?" I asked no one in particular

"I was thinking…." "Quiet I'm hearing whispers"I said leaning very close to the wall that divided our rooms.

Nana was having a phone conversation with someone who seem to work in an hospital. The conversation was about a girl being taken to a building she called 'The Shelter'

I need to call James "James I think nana knows about the kidnap." I said hastily and quietly as soon as he answered the call.

"What did you notice?"

"She just had a conversation with someone that seemed to be a worker in the hospital and was talking about a girl also"

 "Whenever you notice any other thing notify me immediately I'll get back to you" he said and I ended the call