
Episode 5

Chapter 5: Heavenly Realm.

When I arrived home, I tried to look around but I didn't see any trace of my Pops. He’s probably drunk again or sleeping somewhere around. Actually, that’s what all he did. It is his daily routine to drown himself in the presence of alcoholic beverages or busy himself with winemaking. There are also those times wherein I’ll see him in the backyard near the pond while playing chess all by himself. The bonding we all have is chatting and playing around. I’m not mad at him for always getting drunk. I’m satisfied with everything but I also cannot help but worry about his health. Too much liquor might affect him. But based on his looks, I think it’s the other way around. I guess it serves as his vitamin. His day will be incomplete if there aren’t any signs of alcohol in his system.

I immediately ran inside the house and opened my bag. I got the baby tiger and gently put her in my small bed. I stared at her and it seemed like her wound had stopped from bleeding. It is a good sign. At least she’s a bit fine now. “Are you okay?” I asked when she slowly opened her eyes. I’m not expecting her to speak because she’s an— “Mother.” A little voice sounded. My eyes widened in shock and my mouth fell agape. I am completely dumbfounded because of what just happened. “Me, mother?” I asked unbelievably as I pointed toward my face.

She nodded her little head. “Mother, mother, mother!” she said repeatedly while her eyes sparkled with amazement. I blinked several times because of what happened.

“No—” Hayy… I didn’t argue and just let her call me a mother. I don’t want to waste my energy and she’s adorable too. She’s so tiny and looks very fragile. She’s probably just a newborn tiger and can’t clearly distinguish if I am her biological mother or not. I extended my right hand and put it on the top of her head. I started caressing her while sighing. “Alright, from now on I’ll be your mother,” I said while still patting her head. Her fur is soft and it somehow tickles my skin. I actually saw myself in her. She’s been abandoned right after she was born, just like what happened to me. I smiled sadly. What an odd life it is.

The little tiger tried to stand up. I helped her get on her feet since she has an injury. It will probably take some time before she completely heals. The wound is a bit deep. Right from the start, I knew that she was of the female gender because of her adorable features and softness. Upon sitting, she looked at me and opened her mouth to speak. “Mother, I’m hungry.”

“Hungry?” She nodded at me. I stood up and went to the kitchen and started searching for some food. Does a baby tiger eat veggies? The only food in the kitchen is some carrots, Chinese cabbage, and other vegetables that Pops harvested on his farm. I didn't know what to feed her so I just got anything in the kitchen and brought it to the table as I carried the baby tiger. I set her down along with the vegetables. Luckily, the newborn tiger ate the carrots. She happily hummed in contentment as she chewed on the orange vegetable.

I contentedly stared at her. I think it is a good decision that I kept her. At least I know that she’s safe with me. Lots of hunters are lurking in the human world and she might not survive if I leave her there. Ah! I should name her. I looked at her, who is now seated at the table. “I will name you Snow White. Do you like that?” I asked while caressing her fur. She just smiled genuinely and ate only the veggies. I giggled. “It turns out that you love vegetables, Snow white.”

Right after she finished her meal, I carried Snow White on the bed. I put her on my lap and after just a span of minutes, she fell asleep. I set her down on the small bed and she purred while still asleep. I left her and searched for Pops because I haven’t seen him ever since I got home. I looked for him in the front yard and saw him fishing in the pond located there. A huge smile suddenly plastered on my face and I started darting in his direction.

“Popsy!” I shouted and ran to him. He looked at me and gave me a look.

“Are you done playing around?” he asked in a drunken tone. As usual, he’s drinking again. I saw him holding his ancient bottle in his right hand. He is gripping at it for it to not fall on the water.

I also fool around him whenever he’s around. I played some pranks on him and tease him a little bit during those times he went here to eat. I actually miss those times and wished he hadn't left. I breathed a sigh and a sudden memory crossed my mind. I blinked several times. The other day, I was lying carelessly on the Bermuda grass for me to rest. I read an article about Alois Deveraux and how he became the first emperor of heaven in the Heavenly Realm. He acquired the throne because of his immense power. It can even be compared to the king itself. I giggled because of the information. He is way too strong. I guess he’s too skillful and unbeatable. He is also an expert in terms of creating weapons that can be used in amidst a war. I am intrigued by his looks but unfortunately, it wasn’t included in the article I read. I pouted because of this. But a piece of certain information caught my attention. I put my hands underneath my chin and slowly caressed it. “Alois Devaraux is 40,000 years old? Huhh?!” My eyes widened because of what I learned. He is the same age as my Popsy? Wow. Just wow. I frowned because of it. He’s too old. Hayy..