
Episode 2.1

The emperor immediately left the Astraia Palace after hearing the said news. He has his Celestine sword at hand and disappeared in the thin air when he uses his teleportation magic. In a span of seconds, the emperor arrives at the Cildreth Demon Realm and witnesses upon his very eyes the mayhem caused by the beast Cerberus.

Dead creatures are scattered in the area. They are brutally massacred. It can be seen on their carcasses that they are not given a peaceful death, that they are bizarrely tortured before fully snapping the life out of their body.

Alois tilted his head sideward. He is probably inspecting the whole area and trying to find a trace of the beast. Silence invaded the wholeness of the area and the emperor found it disturbing. The entire area is covered in blood, like every form of life in it is mercilessly slaughtered. Several claw marks can also be seen on tree trunks and rocks. He is certain that the beast is just around, probably waiting for its next victim.

Alois take a step forward and continued searching the entirety of the place. He is also heightening his senses and is wary of his surroundings. The beast may attack any moment and he’ll be caught off guard if he’s slacking off.

Several minutes passed and there are still no signs of the beast. He may have left the area already and spread mayhem somewhere else. The emperor started leaving the area and decided to search in another when a rustling sound from a nearby bush was heard.

Alois held the handle of his sword. He is ready to pull out its blade whenever an enemy suddenly attacks him. He is rooted in his place while he is sensing his surroundings. He was about to relax when a sudden growl echoed in the area. He abruptly turns around and instantly withdraws his sword from its scabbard. He throws the weapon in the thin air and it meets with the long saber tooth-like fangs of the Cerberus. The beast’s strong pounce also made Alois lose his balance and fall to the ground, his back facing the cold hard soil.

The fangs of the Cerberus are just inches away from his face, a single snap of it can behead him. Both of his hands are holding the edges of his sword while the beast’s mouth is trying to bite through it and harm Alois. The beast is also trapping him underneath its muscular limbs. The emperor turned his head to the right and saw the talons of the creature digging on the ground.

He gritted his teeth while Cerberus kept on biting the sword. He put some force in his right leg and gave the beast a strong blow which make it fly wildly in the air. It made the Cerberus wince in pain and collide with a nearby tree. Alois takes this chance to get back on his feet and land another strong blow on the beast. Unfortunately, the beast is not a weak opponent and it is able to dodge the attack Alois made.

They continued exchanging attacks which destroyed the whole area even more. If this continues, nothing will be left out of the area they are in. The emperor decided to lead the beast inside a cave located near the Hell Gate. It will be a perfect spot to trap it and perform a spell to seal it.

Alois slashed the Cerberus on its chest and started running. The beast started chasing him and tried to pounce at him while in the process. Alois is able to dodge it all which only makes the beast more enraged. After a span of minutes, they are able to reach the said cave and Alois didn’t waste any second.

He swung his sword towards the Cerberus which made it fly to the farthest corner of the cave. The emperor closed his eyes and a mystical aura started radiating off him. His lips started muttering an ancient spell that will trap the monster. A magic circle appeared underneath the Cerberus’ large paws. It is glowing, with ancient runes written on it.

Several metal railings appeared in the area which imprisoned the beast in its location. When the spell is over, the Cerberus is completely sealed. He has no chance of escaping and he will rot in this hidden cave near the Hell Gate.

Alois smirked at his masterpiece, seeing the beast imprisoned made him triumphant. He turned his back on the cage, ready to leave the area and go back to his realm. He is about to take a step forward when suddenly, a loud crashing noise is heard. He turned towards the beast’s direction and saw that it was able to break free from its cage. It pounced on him and it threw him in the farthest way possible. He collide with a huge rock and the impact made him bite his plump lips. The beast is never to be underestimated.

He got back on his feet. The pain is nothing but a piece of cake for him, he has gone through the worst. Cerberus is giving him a hard time. He clutched his sword and darted forward. He started looking for Cerberus which is giving him a huge headache.

An hour has passed and he still hasn't found the four-legged beast. He has searched in different areas but failed in finding any trace of it. He arrived in a secluded forest located in the western part of the realm. The trees look peculiar like it just came out straight from a horrifying literary novel. Several crows are also present in the area and are freely hanging on the tree branches as they sing the hum of death. It added on the eeriness the place gives off.

The emperor continued moving forward and alert himself to any possible threat lurking in the surrounding area. He turned on a narrow path and he hadn't gone that far yet when a maddening cry of a girl echoed in the silent area. This made him alarmed and he immediately rushed towards the direction where the scream came from. With each step he’s taking, his Celestine sword is also reacting. It is telling him that the beast is nearing. Upon reaching the area, his eyes widened out of pure shock when he saw the scene.

“Ahhhh, Monster! Pops, help me! Save me wahhhh~”