
Episode 1

Chapter 1: Cildreth Demon Realm, The Legend of Ice Queen.

It is currently in the midst of summertime in April. The birds are freely flying high up in the cerulean skies. They are showing the world how graceful they are. As they flap their wings in the open air, they are humming. Their voices sound like a subtle melody that can make you relax the tension you feel. Along with this is the elegant sway of the green leaves. They seem to look like they are dancing like the wind provides a rhythm they can play with. It looks serene and it somehow eases the turmoil I have within my chest.

I am laying on the ground, the cold Bermuda grass is tickling my pale skin. Laying beneath this massive apple tree has always been my hobby. This has been my sanctuary for years and being alone here comforts my body and soul. This is where I spend my free time alone, far from the boisterous and crowded hallway of the academy. I’d rather be alone than being around with those people who treated me like an outcast.

I smiled bitterly. People always see me as peculiar, like I was some kind of disgusting creature they needed to get wary of. Ever since I was a child, I was left by many and I somehow felt like I had some infectious disease for them to avoid me like this. It stabbed me right here in the center of my chest. I tried to fit in and mingle with everyone, but it will always end up badly. They only see me as a nuisance. No matter what I do, they will never like me nor my personality.

The sunlight passing through the leaves directly shot in my eyes which made me blinded by the light. I raised my right hand to use it as a shield against the rays. I stared at the back of my hand and saw the small scar on it. It is a remembrance from the past, something which will always remind me that I definitely do not belong here.

I acquired this ten years ago, back when I was still a child. It was amidst the rainy month of June. I can clearly remember how I sneaked out of Pops’ small house. I wore my favorite cloak. It is thick and it never fails to provide some warmth. It is made from cotton and is lined with fur, very appropriate for this kind of weather. It is pastel blue in color, with a baby pink apple patch sewn on the right part of the chest. It also has a small hood which perfectly fits my head.

The Drunken Master did not allow me to go out. The clouds are dark, signaling a heavy rain. But as a stubborn child, I still headed out of the house when Pops fell asleep on the sofa. I can remember how excited I was back then. A playful and victorious grin was plastered on my lips that exact moment I was able to set my foot outside the house. I wore my fleece-lined black boots and I instantly ran to escape.

I tilted my head upwards to look high up in the sky. I saw a flock of dark pillow-like clouds that somehow looked odd and terrifying. However, I just ignored it. Instead, my pacing increased in speed and I rushed towards the small tree house located in a forest nearby. Earlier that day, I heard from my classmates that they’ll go play at the said place. The tree house was built by their parents. It will serve as a playground for their children.

To be honest, I just eavesdropped and they never invited me to come but who cares? I wanted to make some friends. I’m tired of being left alone and I’d love to spend some time with them. Maybe they’ll befriend me once I mingle with them.

Upon reaching the said forest, I saw five of my classmates playing under the tree house. The place itself was serene, surrounded by massive trees and moss. The tree house is somehow little but adorable. The children wore knitted jackets to protect their bodies from the freezing gush of wind. My eyes sparkled with joy upon seeing them. This is my chance to befriend kids my age. The smile on my face grew wider, proudly showing the world my white teeth. I took several steps to move closer, clamping both of my hands as I fidget out of jittery. I am anxious that they may not like me, that they will just avoid me like what they always did at school.

The pixie-haired girl glanced in my direction. She probably heard the footsteps I have taken. It is still fresh in my mind how her eyes widened in astonishment and how her mouth fell agape. I stopped myself from walking, suddenly finding both of my feet rooted on the cold damp ground. She turned towards her companions and her lips moved when she faced them. I frowned at her reaction, feeling disheartened at what I am seeing. They looked disappointed. Maybe they are not delighted with my presence. I was about to turn around and take my leave when a small high-pitched voice called me.

“Hey!” I raised my head and spared them a glance. Their eyes are on me, carefully watching each of my moves. I suddenly felt anxious. It is the bronze-haired boy who called me and up until now, he is throwing me a look of daggers. My shoulders fell, a bit disgruntled with what I am witnessing. I looked down, fixating my eyes on the grass-coated soil.

“Wanna play?” my heart leaped with so much elation because of what I just heard. Up until now, I still can’t believe that they asked me to play.

I instantaneously nodded at his question. They gestured for me to come closer and join them. I rushed forward, towards their direction. My chest is overflowing with excitement. The same bronze-haired boy told us that we were going to play hide and seek. They appointed me as the one to count. I don’t have any problem with it and I just agreed. Several minutes later, they instructed me to go into a huge tree located several meters away from where we all stood. I walked towards it. I turned my back and closed my eyes and started counting to twenty.

I giggled after I was done with counting. I abruptly turned around and started looking for them. This is my first time playing with other kids and it enthralled me that much. I started scanning the entire forest, looking for any signs of their presence. Minutes have passed and I still haven’t found a single trace of them. I tried to search farther, going deeper into the forest. I sighed in exasperation; I cannot find them anywhere. Maybe they just played a prank on me and went home immediately after I started counting, leaving me all alone.

It eventually started to rain. It feels like the sky is lamenting. I can feel the cold droplets of water kissing my pale skin. I put on the hood and decided to go home, I didn’t bring an umbrella with me. I turned around and looked at my surroundings. Panic flowed within my veins when I realized I have no idea where I am. I got lost in the midst of searching for them. I scanned the entire area and tried to find my way back home but failed. I really don’t have any idea on what path to take.

My feet started moving forward. I am certainly unsure where they will lead me. The rain is getting heavier and along with it is the falling of my tears. I sniffled and bit my lip. I wanted to go home and be with my Pops. He’ll surely give me some hot chocolate just to comfort me from the cold.

A roaring twin of thunder and lightning was thrown out by the crying skies. I covered both of my ears using my hands and closed my eyes. This is not what I expected. I shivered not because of the cold, but because of the immense fright, I am feeling inside. I am terrified and I don’t know what to do anymore.

My knees trembled but despite this, I sprinted away. I am desperate to find my way home. I ran at the top of my lungs, not caring if the razor-sharp droplets of rain will pierce against my skin. I just continued moving forward and felt how the mud splattered on my shoes and legs with each step I am taking. I passed through trees, their forms seeming like ghosts because of my speed. I was deeply lost in the labyrinth of my thoughts when something caught my left foot. It was already too late when I noticed it, which resulted for me to miserably slam into the muddied ground. Unfortunately, it just didn’t end with that. I continuously rolled over, going down the steep hill of the forest. I collided with scattered branches, making my whole body ache.

My rolling came to a halt when I felt no ground beneath my body which startled me. My heart protested against my chest and I opened my eyes wide out of pure shock. Luckily, I was able to grab onto a rock and hold on to it with all my life. I was hanging on a cliff. I took a peek below me and saw the threatening and lethal-looking figures of rocks along with the clashing waves of the sea. All of a sudden, I felt a stinging sensation at the back of my right hand. I tilted my head upwards and saw crimson blood dripping out from a cut. Maybe I acquired this earlier, I probably hit something which wounded my hand. I cried hard. How did I even end up in that situation? All I ever wanted is to fit in and form a bond with other kids. But just look at what happened. I ended up in a situation where I am on the verge of dying. I can remember how my warm tears mixed up with the rain. My body was slowly giving up and at any moment, my fingers would surrender from holding on. A multitude of negativity encircled around my head. Perhaps, it was really the epilogue of my story. I was bracing myself for the end, preparing myself for the goodbye.

My fingers let go of the rock and I closed my eyes. I know that at any moment, my body will smash against the fatal rocks. I waited for it to arrive but it didn’t happen. Instead, I felt a warm hand holding my right arm. I looked up and saw the worried stricken face of my Pops, the Drunken Master. A sudden jolt of relief washed away the fear I felt. I was saved. I abruptly embraced Pops and thanked the sweet heavens for sparing my life.

I breathed a sigh and bit my lips. I’ve been holding my breath since I started reminiscing about that memory. All my life, all they did is to make me their source of entertainment. Like I was some kind of circus toy they can make fun of. I never made any friends and everyone just loathes me because of what I am. I am different and I can’t really blame them. I am a wolf and they are from the fox race. I also don’t have any clues or ideas about my biological parents’ whereabouts. All I know is that I was left at the doorstep of the Drunken Master’s house. Well, I am somewhat lucky because the said man treated me like his very own daughter.

Pops also don’t have any hints regarding my background. He just said that he found me at his door, with a necklace indicating my name beside me. Other than that, the entirety of my identity is like a huge jigsaw puzzle.

The necklace is the only thing I have that is somehow connected with my background. Lots of those foxes tried to steal this treasure from me. Well, it looks entrancing and can surely catch anyone’s eyes. The pendant itself looks ethereal like it was crafted from the finest of gems. It resembled a galaxy and at the core of it is my name engraved. The rope chain holding it is made from silver which perfectly suits the pendant.

I close my eyes and inhale. I tasted the saccharine air of this place. Raevisia Apples Frost is free from any kind of pollution, it can even be comparable to a paradise because of its breathtaking scenery. If only everyone will treat me fairly and nicely, I’ll definitely enjoy this place more. It’s kind of exhausting to get discriminated against day by day. They always find a way to trick me.

I blinked several times and let myself sit up. I hugged my knees and suddenly, an electrifying pain shocked me. I let my gaze fall on it and saw a fresh wound. I pouted upon seeing it.

“This might leave a scar on my knee.”

Earlier this afternoon, I was packing my things up when someone approached me. It was a certain classmate of mine who always finds amusement in bullying me. I tried to avoid him and quickly gathered all of my things to immediately leave the room. Unfortunately, he didn’t let me pass and he tripped me using his left foot. It led me to lose my balance and fall to the ground along with my things. My right knee hit the floor hard and it left me with this wound. Oh well, perhaps luck seems to shun away from me. If only I can find a way to make myself stronger.

I tilted my head up and the crepuscular hues of the sun reflected on my face, making it golden. It is almost twilight and I should head back home. Pops will certainly scold me if I arrive late. I laughed softly at the thought. I can imagine his annoyed face white both of his hands are on his hips, looking like a petrifying mother ready to smack her child on the head.

I stood and stretched both of my arms high up in the air. I’ve been lying under this tree for hours now. I bent my body and reached for my bag. I hung it on my shoulder and started facing forward. I am at an apple tree located in the school’s backyard. I am certain only a few students are left in the school premises. I do hope I’ll not stumble with any of them or they’ll surely make fun of me again.

I am almost at the school gate when I heard several voices. I abruptly ran to hide behind a nearby tree. I take a peek and see that the voices are coming from the students who belong to the senior year. They are wearing their uniforms and are about to go home too, but what caught my attention is the topic of their conversation.

“Have you guys heard about the legend of the Ice Queen?” A brown-haired man asked his acquaintances. He is wearing glasses that somehow suited his oval-shaped face.

One of the two women he is with stops from walking and faces him, her eyebrows are knitted which gives the impression that she’s curious and at the same time, confused. “Legend of what?”

“The legend of the Ice Queen.”

The woman’s face contorted into a frown. It seems like she has no idea of what her friend is saying. The other woman, whose hair is cut short, tilted her body towards her companion and raised her brow.

“Don’t tell me you haven’t heard of that?”

The clueless woman blinked several times and shook her head sideward, a sign that she is telling them no. The brown-haired man with glasses started walking toward his comrade, disappointment evident on his face.

“It’s about the demon queen.” Said the man in a serious tone of voice.

“You mean the queen of the Cildreth Demon Realm?” the short-haired woman nodded at her question. “What about her?” The oblivious woman asked again her companions. Perhaps she really doesn’t have any idea of the legend they are talking about.

The other woman sighs and opens her mouth to start explaining things to her friend. “They say the Ice Queen has the ability to grant you a power. They say you’ll be invincible, indestructible even. All you have to do is go on a journey in the Cildreth Demon Realm and seek for her highness. You have to personally ask her to bestow you the said gift.”

My eyes twinkled with everything I just heard and a huge smile started forming in my pinkish lips. Finally, I found a way to become stronger. My heart races with the overflowing exuberance and bliss. I run forward, casually jumping out of rapture. I feel ecstatic with this newfound knowledge. This will be thrilling. I can’t wait to go on an adventure and meet the Queen herself!