
Love Agreement With The King

When two people unsatisfied with their already written fate meet, what they can do to finally live the life they desire is enter into an agreement. The agreement is sanctioned by Prince John, a man who was never seen before, because of that he’s considered like a ghost by the inhabitants of the city. John is a cold-hearted man, ruthless and unsympathetic. He’s unable to love, having a rich history with breaking hearts he came to the conclusion that he wouldn’t date anymore. The only person he ever cared about, besides himself, was his father. After his sudden death, Prince John had to ascend the throne. When he met Roselyn, a girl who was known for her skeptical thoughts about love and her free spirit who had simple desires which didn't include a man to be fulfilled he sees in her the potential to achieve what he always wanted. The agreement required them to fake their marriage and pretend they are in love deceiving the whole world including their own family. In return, they could live the life they always wanted to live. As the story develops more mysteries and hindrances threaten their perfect plan, such as Roselyn’s supernatural rare powers and sudden wars. -------------------------------------------------- Abstract: "I like to think this is a strange twist of fate. You’re the kindest person I know. So beautiful and precious while I am a cold-hearted guy hunted by his demoniac nature." John leaned over to her, gently lifting her chin so that she could meet his gaze. When Roselyn did, he smiled. "Your nature allows you to create life, mine allows me to take it." He chuckled shyly. "I am not forcing you to accept my darker side, but maybe we were destined to meet. You are the peace to my senses, the sun to my darkness, the reason that wakes me up in the morning. I hate the way you make me feel, so vulnerable and sensitive." His gaze moved to her peachy lips. He stroked her hair behind her ear. "At the same time I love it because, in all my immortal existence, I have never felt more alive." Roselyn finally smiled, as she understood that he didn’t have two opposite sides. He just had one, the evilest vampire in the village. But when with her, his heart melted that ice shield to reveal a completely different person who only she could have access to. --------------------------------------------------- Link server: https://discord.gg/rVkRwbHk join to find updates, new, and coins free The book contains intense smut, read at your own risk Extra chapters will be posted on sunday based on the number of golden ticket collected during the week! Send summoning pens to get an anticipated release! . [The book cover belongs to their respective owner.] ALERT warning: 18+ smut -> however the chapters with smut will contain an alert of start and end smut so you can freely skip that part if uncomfortable!

Elle_Lynn · Fantasía
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361 Chs

The King is a vampire

"Let's go now we've already given enough to talk to people," Ginevra said, glowering at her daughters.

"Yes.." Abigail murmured.

In a row, they walked to get on the carriage. While they were leaving, people whispered, probably speaking about what happened.

All the ladies that purposely waited for that day to come and to live their dream of becoming the Queen of Egland and marry a charming King saw their dream shattering right in front of their eyes.

However, most of them still had hopes, they didn't believe that the King would be such easy prey to conquer, and they were sure that before or later he will get tired of her and end up marrying someone more worthy of his attention willing to spend their entire life waiting for him.

Even if Sharon never admitted it, she was one of those ladies. Just hearing the name "King" was enough to give her butterflies in her stomach and had her heart skip a beat.

She aimed to the role of Queen, and the fact that he was charming would just motivate her even more.

Inside the carriage, no one spoke a word with Roselyn, who was looking through the window with a detached gaze.

They walked down the carriage and silently walked inside their mansion.

Sharon immediately went upstairs. Without saying a word, Roselyn did the same thing.

The only one who followed her to talk was as predictable as Kathy. Rose smiled at her hugely to show her happiness to see someone who didn't hate her, but when she met her gaze, that smile slowly faded.

Kathy seemed to be disappointed. She couldn't even keep eye contact with her friend.

"I wish I could explain.." Roselyn said in a low voice. Her friend offered a smile but her eyes revealed the sadness behind her smile.

"I just hope you're happy," Kathy said, looking down at the floor.

"He can give me what I've always wanted. That's why I am doing what I am doing." Roselyn whispered, hoping that her friend would deduce her intention.

"I don't see how he can satisfy your simple desires but just know that I am here in case you decide to talk to me and tell me the truth."

Roselyn looked up to soak up the tears and wiped off her face the hair that usually escaped from her braid because of its short length.

She smiled with a wretched yet sincere smile.

After a few minutes of them staring at each other, both of them unable to express their feelings Kathy murmured "good night."

Roselyn said it back and went to sit on her bed, letting out a deep breath.

She closed her eyes, trying to sleep when she heard the noise of glass breaking that made her joint widening her eyes. She saw on the ground that something fell, a little stone with paper wrapped around tied it with a thin string.

She bent over to pick it up, loosening the string and opening the paper.

'Meet me in one hour in the wood.'

She rushed to the window to see if she could glimpse who sent her that note, but didn't notice anyone.

Who would ask her to meet in the middle of the night? Maybe Lord David, with another one of his intimidations? Or maybe Lord Walter to get his revenge on the way she treated him earlier. Finally, her thoughts wandered into the King, which seemed the safest option.

She was still unsure what to decide or not. On a normal occasion she would ask Kathy for advice, but now she had to stand on her own.

She walked toward the kitchen, trying to be quiet, not to wake up her family, and grabbed a knife. It wasn't a sharp one since it was the one that Kathy used to cut the vegetables, but it was the best she could find.

She slowly turned the key around and opened a chink of the door to allow her to walk through.

Then closed the door behind her slowly and quietly.

When she was outside she breathed in relief. She felt a strong grip from behind. Roselyn opened her eyes in fear and managed to stretch her hand and use her weapon. In a second, she found herself in the middle of the forest. She opened her eyes to see...

the King.

He looked down at his arm that Roselyn injured but he scoffed.

"A kitchen knife?"

"I'm sorry... I didn't..." she murmured desolated.

He gestured with his hand and smiled "I can teach you how to fight when you'll live with me."

Roselyn stared at the wound she caused her in a sorry gaze until it suddenly healed magically. It was like skin grow back and in a few seconds, his arm was completely healed.

Roselyn frowned, backing off, stretching her knife against him. "Don't come nearer or I will scream."

He giggled raising his hands in a sign of defiantly, Roselyn became pale and was shaking in fear.

"This is the reason I don't have a shadow, Roselyn." He drawled, not moving in order not to scare her furthermore.

"My conditions are not just requesting you to help me rule but also to keep my biggest secret."

Roselyn's hand began shaking even more and she could feel her knee could give out.

She kept pointing her kitchen knife against him as if it could be helpful against a supernatural creature.

"I'm a vampire, miss Roselyn."

She swallowed hard as a lump formed in her throat for the anxiety.

King John waited a few seconds to let her assimilate the information.

He took a small step forward her, having her move the knife to stop him. He smiled lightly, trying to look unharmful, but her eyes were still imploding in terror and confusion.