
Love: A Twisted Curse

Love is a gift, at the same time it is also a curse... "From this day on prince of darkness, I curse you with the six stars of David..." At this point, Lucian had to cough to prevent himself from laughing out loud at Nikel's ridiculous curse. "The day you find love in the hands of a human maiden, the day your destruction begins." Lucian, demon prince of wrath had been cursed to die by love by the great archangel Nikel during a bloody battle. Four thousand years later, the curse manifests and Lucian, who had avoided women found himself falling in love with a young human maiden. The secret about his curse also gets out and his enemies seek for a way to kill him by using the curse. Love is a wonderful feeling, and Lucian knowing that his love for her would lead to his death still tries to fight for his love and fight for his life. Will Lucian conquer the curse and manage to live happily with his love or will the curse manifest and lead to his death in the end?

Chukwuemeka_101 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

The Plot Against Lucian


'A human girl huh?' Lilith thought deeply after Methe had finished telling her about Lucian's curse, 'and since Cedric is already aware, I'm sure he has started making his own moves and that makes things very easy for me. I know just who to meet for this.'

Lilith turned to see Methe still staring at her, "you should leave now before I change my mind." she said as she looked at him scornfully,

'Even if you change your mind, you can't hurt me because of the pact.' Methe thought in his head but he didn't say it out loud for fear of Lilith's rage.

"I... Can't leave." Methe said, a bit embarrassed.

"Why? Can't you just leave here how you came in?"

"Hehe." He chuckled nervously, "My instant teleportation technique can only be used once and it has a cool down period of five hours so till then, I can't use it."

Lilith sighed and said, "There's only a thin line that separates you from being a completely useless existence."

She quickly summoned her maidservants and they quickly walked into the room. Methe had been expecting to see young unkempt ladies in rags but he was shocked beyond demon comprehension when he saw two fully grown ladies with fair skin, long brown hair, big boobs and thick thighs. The low cut tops and mini skirts they were wearing did very little to hide their sexiness as they walked in and bowed before Lilith– their mistress. Methe could only stare in awe with his mouth agape.

The beauty of the serpent women were truly unmatchable.

"Escort this man here out of the cave." She ordered.

"Yes mistress." They replied simultaneously, their voices blending together and sounding like one.

Walking up to Methe, the two ladies gesticulated and said, "please come this way sir."

Methe beamed broadly as he allowed the serpent girls to lead him out of Lilith's throne room with their hands on his back as if they were leading a child. He turned around and winked at Lilith who was calmly watching them before the doors closed.

'Fool...' Lilith thought with a wicked smile on her lips.

'Now, Lucian has a weakness eh?...' She thought as she she shrunk in size and morphed into her humanoid form. 'It's time to pay Angelo a visit.'




"Wait a minute.." Cedric's expression was like that of one who was thinking deeply, "I remember you now!... You're Lucian's third battalion commander right? The one that was sealed here some hundreds of years ago."

"Not third. Fourth" Neo smiled as he raised four fingers in the air. " And yes I am Neo, the fourth battalion commander of the imperial army of Master Lucian, demon prince of wrath."

"Oh wow." Cedric rolled his eyes, "I'm surprised you're still loyal to him even after he has kept you locked here for centuries."

"I committed a grave offence against my master," Neo said with a sad expression on his face, "it is only just that I serve my due punishment. My loyalty still lies strong with him, even if I stay here for thousands of years."

"It's funny that a demon like you should be talking about justice, we demons are the very machineries of injustice itself." Cedric sneered,

Neo couldn't argue with Cedric's logic but he still maintained his stand, "It still doesn't change the fact that I'm forever loyal to my master."

For a moment Cedric was silent, but then he suddenly burst into laughter, "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... Ha ha ha ha ha ha."

Neo couldn't help but stare at him in confusion. Why was he laughing?

Cedric was still laughing when he walked up to Neo and patted the blue haired demon on his shoulder, "You see boy... You'll have to change where your loyalties lie very soon..."

Neo was a bit annoyed by the way Cedric called him 'boy' but he quickly suppressed his anger because even if he was at full power, his attacks would still be very negligible against this demon prince. He also wanted to know why Cedric was trying to make him lose faith in his master,

"Why?" He asked simply,

"Well... Let's just say that his weakness has been discovered and it'll only be a matter of time before he gets so weak that someone defeats him in battle..."

"Liar!" Neo yelled in Cedric's face, "my master has no weakness and he can't be defeated in battle unless it's against Lucifer."

"Ahh... All these brain dead followers of Lucian," Cedric groaned and raised his head to the sky dramatically, "why don't you see for yourself?"

Cedric flicked his finger and a screen appeared on the red skies of the tormentum. It was a screen that showed Neo everything about Lucian and his curse.

Neo couldn't believe the images that played before his eyes, he could only stare in what seemed like a mixture of fear and surprise.

"N..no..no, this can't be true. My master isn't supposed to have a weakness." Neo mumbled, he couldn't take his fixated eyeballs off the screen.

"Now now, this isn't a time to feel sad or downcast Neo," Cedric said with a big evil grin on his face as he patted Neo's shoulder, "this is a time to be happy because this is your chance to redeem yourself from Lucian's sire link, this is your chance to finally be a free demon."

"What are you talking about? We're still in Tormentum." Neo asked Cedric with an incredulous expression on his face,

"I know that alright," Cedric was still smiling creepily as he dispelled the huge screen, "but Lucian's getting weaker day by day, a time shall come when he'll be so weak that we will break out of Tormentum ourselves. Then, we can kill him together and you will be free from his sire link, doesn't that sound nice?"

Neo paused and put his hand to his chin as if he was thinking, "It sounds nice to escape from Tormentum but I don't think it's necessary to kill my master. It just doesn't sound right."

"There you go again with the concept of right and wrong... As demons, there is no right and wrong, there is only the power to do whatever we want but that can only be achieved when you're not locked in a dimension prison of someone's making, so in order to achieve that power we need to gain freedom first. Are you going to help me gain that freedom Neo?" Cedric asked calmly,

Neo sighed and looked to the sky, numerous thoughts were running in his mind. Doing this with Cedric would possibly end him in Lucian's bad books but not doing it would leave him rotting away in that dimension prison.

He really needed to get out of that prison– he really needed to be free and that could not be achieved by waiting for Lucian to release him himself.

"Fine. I'll help you," Neo said finally, "and since my master is weakened, I will also help you to destroy him so that I can be free from him."

Cedric was so surprised and elated that he didn't know when a broad smile streaked across his face, he didn't expect Neo to be convinced so easily, his plans were already going well from start. "I promise you, you won't regret that decision."

'I won't regret it, I won't regret it at all. I want to move up in ranks and in order to do that, I have to take risks, even if it involves rebelling against a demon prince.' Neo thought to himself,

Suddenly, the earth began to shake violently and the red clouds formed a thick spiral in the sky. The two demons on the ground could clearly see the lightning flashes that streaked across the dark red sky, as if a thunderstorm was coming.

As a demon who had seen a lot of scary scenes in his lifetime, Cedric wasn't concerned by the sudden change in environment but when he saw the fear in Neo's eyes and how Neo was preparing to run away, he couldn't help but ask, "What's going on?"

"This place isn't called Tormentum for nothing." With those words, Neo ran away, leaving Cedric to see what would happen next.

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