
Love: A Twisted Curse

Love is a gift, at the same time it is also a curse... "From this day on prince of darkness, I curse you with the six stars of David..." At this point, Lucian had to cough to prevent himself from laughing out loud at Nikel's ridiculous curse. "The day you find love in the hands of a human maiden, the day your destruction begins." Lucian, demon prince of wrath had been cursed to die by love by the great archangel Nikel during a bloody battle. Four thousand years later, the curse manifests and Lucian, who had avoided women found himself falling in love with a young human maiden. The secret about his curse also gets out and his enemies seek for a way to kill him by using the curse. Love is a wonderful feeling, and Lucian knowing that his love for her would lead to his death still tries to fight for his love and fight for his life. Will Lucian conquer the curse and manage to live happily with his love or will the curse manifest and lead to his death in the end?

Chukwuemeka_101 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
25 Chs


"Okay..." She sighed....

"Someone told me something nasty about you."

"Really?" Derek said and arched an eyebrow up, "what did the person say?"

"The person said that you don't really love me and you just want to sleep with me." As Elora said this, she paid attention to Derek's expression so that she would notice any change– no matter how slight when she mentions it but all she saw was a look of humor on his face.

He actually smiled teasingly as he heard it and asked, "and who said that?"

Elora shook her head, she didn't want to tell Derek because she knew the sort of person that Derek was, he could order someone to kill Nadine if he found out that she was trying to break them up.

"Come on babe, tell me..."

Elora still refused.

"Okay, I promise not to hurt the person or even search for the person."

At that statement, Elora's eyes suddenly lit up, "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Derek smiled but his smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Pinky promise." Elora said and stuck out her pinky finger to him across the table.

'So childish...' he sighed and hooked his pinky finger with hers. ''Pinky promise....''

"...So now, tell me who told you that?"

"It's Nadine." Elora said finally as she fixed her eyes on her thighs and played with her fingers,

Derek's eyebrows raised slightly in curiosity and his lips curved into a smirk, "by Nadine, you mean your best friend?"

"Yeah, ex-best friend though, we haven't spoken since she told me this."

'That stupid bitch! She wants to spoil my plans huh? We'll see about that.' he thought,

"Oh... Poor Elora, you didn't really have to excommunicate her like that, she was probably jealous and wanted me for herself." He said as he stretched his hand over the table and stroked her chin affectionately.

"That was what I told her too." Elora was really enjoying the feel of Derek's palm on her cheeks, "but aren't you angry or something?"

"Hahaha." Derek laughed, "why will I get angry? She was just acting foolish and childish, she can never break us... No matter how hard she tries. And by the way, I'm not that sort of guy who resolves things with revenge."

Elora smiled sheepishly as she swallowed Derek's words, line, hook and sinker without doubt, he was truly the best man in the world to her. She was so intoxicated with love and happiness that she missed the evil grin that now adorned Derek's face as he thought about the things he would do to Nadine for attempting to damage his plans.




The realm of Oblivion was a realm that existed between realms. It was that dimension that you passed when traveling from one realm to the other. The space in the realm of Oblivion was infinite and one could easily get lost forever there if one didn't have a definite destination.

As a result of it's vastness, only powerful priests like Methe dared to build their shrines in the realm of Oblivion and only powerful demons like the demon princes and a few others could transport themselves into the realm of Oblivion without getting lost.

The realm of Oblivion wasn't like earth or any other realm, it was just a swirling mass of different colors and Methe's shrine, a giant black castle floated amongst these colors. The castle was very huge and was guarded by different creatures; as aerial sentry, there were wyverns who constantly flew around the top of the castle without rest, not hesitating to rip any intruder to shreds while on the lower part of the castle were demon hounds who prowled around hungrily, ready to devour any intruder to shreds.

Lucian was no intruder, so the creatures granted him access. Lucian looked magnificent in his demon form, with a height of over fifteen feet and wide magnificent wings that were curled neatly behind his back, he also had long deadly horns but the one that was severed by Nikel during that battle had never grown back, it remained as a stump, one that he wasn't proud of. His skin was blood red and covered with a thick black armor that was almost impenetrable to weapons of beings weaker than him.

Walking in brisk and magnificent steps, Lucian made his way to the front gates of Methe's castle only for the doors to swing open to reveal his brother Cedric walking out unsuspectingly.

'What in hell's name is Cedric doing here?' Lucian thought as he saw Cedric's expression change to that of surprise.

"Hey! Brother! What are you doing here?" Cedric asked with an obviously fake smile on his face,

"I should be the one asking you that question Cedric," Lucian asked cooly, "what are you doing here?"

"Haha," He laughed nervously, "I just came to see Methe to help me cure a little injury that I got in the forest of a thousand demons."

"Cure a little injury?" Lucian retorted, "you're a demon prince Cedric, you heal your own injuries, what do you mean by curing a little injury?"

"Never mind that brother, I gotta go!" Cedric said and quickly left Lucian wondering about his suspicious behavior.

'Suspicious...' Lucian thought and walked inside. Without giving any prior warning, he walked into the room and his suspicion increased because the moment Methe saw him, he turned quickly and began to cover something behind him.

"Lucian! You didn't tell me you were coming!" Methe said with genuine surprise written all over his face,

'There's something wrong here..' Lucian thought, 'First it was Cedric and now it's Methe, they're both acting suspicious.'

"I don't have to tell you before I come, do I?" Lucian asked with an unconcerned tone as he walked inside calmly, making sure that Methe didn't notice that he was suspicious.

"Yes... No! Of course not, you don't but at least you have to give me a heads-up before you arrive so that I can get my place ready. See how everywhere's disorganized!" As he said that last part, he snapped his fingers and a blanket covered a board that was in the room, "this messy room isn't fit to grace the presence of a great demon prince like you."

"And does this have anything to do with my brother being here?" Lucian asked quietly as he walked around the large square room, subtly observing the contents but still not giving away his suspicion.

Dedicated to my super big sis. Hassy_101. Thanks for your support. please don't forget to vote XD

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