

Gold Collins and Frederick Majesty meet in college. Frederick a typical playboy and Gold a girl who only cares about her studies meet Frederick a typical playboy who refuses to admit his ability to love and only toys with girls. will Gold be different from other girls? will he fall in love with her? find out in the novel LOVE'S SCANDAL BY MELZY_907 PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, DO NOT JOB DGE ME FOR THE BOOK COVER, IT'S SOMETHING THAT I DID BY MYSELF WITH SOME PICTURES THAT I GOT FROM GOOGLE. I hope you guys like my book. please don't forget to vote,rate and comment on my book. it gives me a whole lot of joy. I love you all from MELZY_907.

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Lizzy and Nora already paid for their things and when it was time for Gold to pay for hers Frederick suddenly brought out his card and offered to pay for Gold

" no you can't pay for me, I am financially stable to pay for myself " Gold said and gave the person at the counter her card

" if you do that, you will lose your job " Frederick threatened the girl who looked shocked and was about to take Frederick's card when Gold grabbed the debit machine from her and swiped her card then laughed happily and said

 " you should know that I'm way wiser and smarter than you " she said to Frederick and then walked past him with her bags of clothes and went outside with Lizzy and Nora while Frederick stayed inside doing God knows what.

And when he finally came out milling he told Gold to check her phone, and when she did she saw that her money had been refunded back to her account and her jaw dropped

 " how on earth did you get my account number, I'm going to pay that back" Gold said and wanted to walk back in but Frederick pulled her back

 " just let it slide will you " he said

 " let it slide huh "she said and scoffed

 " you know you don't have to flaunt your wealth all over just because you come from a rich family " she added

" I think we should excuse you guys " Lizzy said and dragged Nora away

 " flaunting!!!, is that what you think I'm doing, flaunting " Frederick said with an annoyed look

" by the way I am not flaunting. All I'm trying to do is be a good boyfriend, so how can I let my girlfriend pay in MY shopping mall, that is so wrong. And you think that I'm flaunting " Frederick said angrily

 " okay fine, maybe I was wrong to say that you were flaunting, but I don't just want to be a burden to anyone, please "

Gold said

 " come Gold " he said and pulled her to a bench by the side

" sit " he said and she sat down " you can never be a burden to me, okay " Frederick said holding her hand then he kissed her forehead " I'm sorry " she said and hugged him

" maybe I should stop thinking that everyone is like her " Gold muttered to herself

" who" Frederick asked her oh it's nothing, shall we go "

she said and stood up and held Frederick's hand and together they started walking towards where Lizzy and Nora were standing "can we go out to eat " Frederick asked Gold

" sorry but I have to go take something from Richard's place " she said apologetically

" then I could take you there and when you're done we can go and eat " Frederick said

 "after going to Richard's place I have to go home and prepare for church " she said.

please share this book if you like it. I hurts when I only have a few readers.

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