
Love's Obsession

A story between two people who met in a tragedy once. Colin lost his twin brother in an accident and refuses to believe he was gone. He developed a mindset where his twin brother still exists and lives with him at his apartment. Its Obsession with the Actor Nicolai Brice was the source of all his problems. For the latter did everything he can to make Nick know of his feelings for him. And with Colin being unaware of his brother's death until now, did everything that his brother asks of him in his head. Like bringing letters and presents to the actor's house. Which was very far from Colin's introverted character.

sapphire_pamintuan · Ciudad
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1 Chs

The first encounter- Was it really him?

Nick stared at the young man who looked disinterested while answering the detective's every inquiry. The latter didn't even bother to give him a glance even once.

Is this really the guy that his Manager Mike told him, that had been sending gifts and creepy love letters even at his home?


"Colin Manchester,"

So, his name is Colin." he thought as he listened quietly at the side. Goes well with his features, only that it didn't fit his personality well. He might look cute and harmless at first look. But judging by the letters he had read earlier, he's nothing but an obsessed psycho.

"Do you have anything to say to the person beside you?" asked the policeman after asking Colin a few more questions about himself. "Something like, you won't do it again or say that you're sorry, perhaps?"

Nick felt a bit annoyed. Is that even enough for all the trauma he'd been caused? Worried that a psycho might enter his house at any time?

"Colin," a guy entered the scene at the same time. It seems to know his stalker well enough.

"Mike," said the detective who seemed to know the who had just come in. "Good, you're here." the man stood up to give the newcomer his seat. And excused himself to do something else.

It looks young for a detective. But you can tell that he's experienced more than a newbie could. And that he's probably best at what he does.

"Are you alright?" after asking the actual culprit, the man stared at him like he was actually the one who did wrong.

"Why do I feel like I'm about to be treated unfairly in this case?" he smirked at everyone in a mocking manner.

Luckily, Jeffrey arrived at his rescue. He brought along an attorney with him.

"Isn't this too much for a mere stalking case?" said the one his colleague called Mike.

The culprit just remained quiet and still while everything else around him started to get messed up.

"It's only for security purposes," said the lawyer. "As you know, our client is a known public figure. We can't risk his safety by not taking this into careful consideration,"

"And besides," Jeffrey suddenly entered the conversation. "Shouldn't you be the making sure all due processes are made? And not taking anyone's sides for this matter?"

Nick almost clapped at Jeffrey's unexpected attack on the detective.

That's when Colin stood abruptly. To everyone's surprise, he began to apologize.


"Are you sure this is what you want?" Jeffrey asked Nick when they were already outside the station.

He took another glance at Colin who just walked out in there with the detective Mike. Their eyes locked for a moment. And his heartfelt a bit uneasy for some reason.

"I think, It's enough for now," he turned his gaze back to his Manager. "If he dares to do it again, I'll sure to press some charges against him."

"Okay, it's your call. But I will have someone guard you 24/7,"

"Not in a million years," he immediately rejected the offer.

"A stalker is one thing, but having someone follow me around is no different than having one beside me,"

Jeffrey can't help but held his forehead in a frustrated manner.

What will he do with a stubborn guy such as this one? He argues about someone making his life a psycho-thriller movie. And yet, he refuses to press charges against that person. Does this thing even make sense right now?

"Whatever, let's get you home for now," Jeffrey surrendered in the end.


Colin's eyes followed Nick up to his car. Now, he can see why his twin brother is too delusional when it comes to the latter.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

He nodded unattentively at Jeffrey's question.

"I'm fine,"

"Do you want me to take you home?"

He shook his head this time.

"I can go by myself," he insisted. "Thank you for the help earlier." Colin was just about to leave when Jeffrey got a hold of his arm.

It looks as if he wants to tell him something. But he kept quiet all the time.

"Lincoln's probably waiting for me by now. I need to tell him what happened,"

Jeffrey's reaction seemed surprised. But soon enough, he gave him a smile.

"Don't scold him too much. He probably didn't mean to get you in trouble this time,"

For the first time since coming into the police station. Colin let a smile slip out of his lips.

"I bet he didn't," he smirked a bit. Having a stalker as a twin is a bit nerve-wracking for an introvert such as himself. And now, it gets worst as Lincoln becomes more fearsome by the day. "I should go,"

Jeffrey reluctantly released the hand he was holding. And sent away with his eyes fixed on him until he vanished from his sight.

The latter could only sigh heavily and shook his head before going inside again.


Nick's head was still filled by Colin's stare before the car started to move. He caught him staring against the tinted window of his car as they left the parking area.

Until now, he's not nearly convinced that the one who apologized to him earlier was his stalker all along.

His eyes didn't show any kind of affection towards him whatsoever. One thing that he expected while reading the notes and letters he's sent him for the past years.

It was filled with so many emotions which the latter lacks in so many aspects. All he saw was a lost feeling of emotion from those eyes. And it gave him chills to think that the two were actually the same person.

Well, how could that possibly be?

You can't possibly like someone at some point and not show emotions in front of him at the same time, right?

"Are you sure you don't have a bodyguard attached to you?" Jeffrey repeated to him as he still looked bothered by the issue.

Nick stared at his Manager slash best friend intently this time.

"Okay, okay, I get it, " he said lifting both his hands in the air in a mere surrender. "You're not that fierce when facing your stalker earlier,' he whined.

Nicholai ignored Jeffrey's whining and focused his stare on the window instead.

He surprised himself as well. Before going there, he thought about punching the guy in the face. Especially when he knew that he was actually a boy and not a girl. But seeing him act indifferent and a bit disinterested in front of him. Like he didn't give a damn of who he was in the first place. He kind of felt offended, and a bit curious at the same time. Making him more confused about what to feel about the person.

He wanted to ask him directly then and there.

"Is it really you?"