

"What if this was some kind of punishment .. yeah that must be it " but what did I do , and who is so big that he or she would have punished me like this ? Wait "Maybe... I made it to heaven alone , but am sure heaven's streets aren't so ...human damaged . " Ughhh my brain is tired I don't even think this much during end of year exams , maybe cause I didn't have too . " or maybe am in hell . pfft nahh I know a lot of people who have a special place down there " wooow now am the one to judge ? that's not my job . "forgive me God " I pray sincerely in hopes that I will get an answer which never came . _______________________ Rose Habib is a 17 year old who rather prefers to keep her smart remarks at bay and not start a war , except on rare occasions where she would answer to shut up the other party. but this time she chose the absolute wrong moment to talk back .thus she felt like she had to...... but what does this have to do with her finding herself in a deserted neighborhood ? nothing obviously . so why then ? well read to find out .

mE_Sh · Ciencia y ficción
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8 Chs


What ? .....

" Could you elaborate " I asked in confusion . she looked at me for a second " are you serious right now?" she asked back " What is wrong with kids these days , here I thought my grandson is of another breed" she said in a mad tone " what ?" I asked embarrassed

" why don't you watch the news ?" she scoffed and explained " these last few days people have been missing non-stop the police has no clue about what is going on since they found no clue . at first they confirmed that the missing cases related since it was in the same region yet the people who were missing had nothing in common . men and women now kids too " she finished . I took a moment to ponder then I remembered " now that I think about it I did hear about it but didn't think too much about it- ". I stopped mid sentence as I realized " Baba" I said as my eyes widened . " what about him " miss Simmons asked " earlier I went to the supermarket , when I came back home he wasn't there , I thought he went off to work so I just ignored it" . " don't worry about it he probably just forgot , it's not a first " she said waving it off

" that's what I thought too but when I called him it went straight to voicemail" I was starting to get worried . " call him again " . I turn on my phone and call him but just like before it goes straight to voicemail . I look back up at her , her eyebrows furrowed " he probably turned off or maybe his battery died" .

" yeah , probably ... " I said but not convinced , I gave her a small smile ." I gotta get going , he probably came back and is worried "

" goodnight dear " she says and rounds the counter to give me a side hug

" take care", "yeah you too " .

I fall on my bed and my phone dings

( Lena 🤮): the parrot won't stop complaining about every single thing , she even insulted my choice of food .

( me): why is there I thought they broke up .


' the parrot or the monkey or donkey or bitch ' is Lena's nickname for Briana, amongest many other nicknames ,but she always uses animals for reference because she is a well educated bitch as she says. Briana is also Brittney's twin , they look nothing a like but they are not so different when it comes to their personalities . and she's Jaden's ex-girlfriend ,well I thought she was .


( me ) : Lena everyone makes fun of your food choice .

( Lena 🤮) : yh , but it wasn't like that plus we have the same choices of food may I remind you .

they got back together , but that's not the point.

( me ) : but I use ketchup for my fries while u use milkshake .

( Lena 🤮 ) : it's delicious ... girl guess what , she's wearing your hoodie 😂😂.

( me ) : .... 😐😐😐

( Lena 🤮): I swear come see for yourself , plus why didn't you come I thought u were coming .

( me): I was baking . OMW

(Lena 🤮) : yessir 🤝🔥💥 ...


'that dumb shiii .... ' I thought as I glared at Jay when we made eye contact as I made my way to their table where Jay, Lena, Briana , Aaron , Cheryl , Tasha and ... Mikhael ?

** Mikhael is Jay's half brother , he goes to a different School , we were good friends before until he admitted having feelings for me and things got awkward **

" oh hey Rose " Briana cheerfully waved at me and I resisted rolling my eyes " hey , Bianca " she furrowed her eyebrows " it's Briana , how come you never get my name right " . " how come you always forget winter is cold " I hear Aaron and Lena snicker besides me , " there's a free seat here " Michael taps the chair besides him which I am certain Tasha occupied earlier , I glance at her and she smiles widely , and I sit anyways I still a few fries from Lena who is sitting besides me and she tries to grab my hand but is too slow

" I can order you some if you want ?" Jay says sheepishly . " boi you better " I say plainly " how is that even a question " Tasha says shaking her head , her black hair moving along with the movement . ' maaan her hair is something ' . " right " Aaron says, " pffft look who's talking" Cheryl talks for the 1st time since I got here after she got of the screen.

" oh she is talks " Aaron says with a hint of sarcasm and Cheryl just rolls her eyes.

"how have you been doing" Micheal asks . it takes me a moment to realise he's talking to me " oh uh good , what about you" I say plainly and instead of answering he raises his eyebrow . " what ?". then it hits me that I didn't

sound sincere . I have always been kind of antisocial and enjoy my time alone rather with the crowd so sometimes it catches up with me and I feel like I hate everyone and it's no joke . " sorry" I say " you don't mean that either" he says with a smile.

this whole situation is absolutely cringy from Briana's thing to Aaron and Cheryl comebacks to Micheal it feels like we are in some sort of Hallmark movie . " no I don't me it " . " why I are you being like that" he asks with a scoff

" like what ?" ." that " , " when am I any different ? " he looks at me with those dark grey eyes of his , God they are beautiful and those curls of his that he keeps short he used to say it makes him look more manly , always with a fresh fade like he lives nextdoor to the barbershop .

" we are already familiar with your eyes and you know you don't have to wear those around us " he says softly . " I know I just forgot to take them out " I answer back " then take them out " " uh- no " , " why " " because I don't want too " ," oh come on " he whines .

" oh nooo" I hear Briana say and I look over to find some white sauce staining my jacket , yeah how did I forget to tell her to take it off probably cause I used it as an excuse to come because I knew Jay will feel obligated to buy me food . " take it off" I tell her still eyeing the jacket " it's just a small stain it will come off" Jay defends with a guilty smile

" you call that small " " what you call that big ?"

he asks with a smirk " what's wrong with you" and he just laughs along with Briana tsk tsk the audacity she has " what are you wai-" my phone rings, says drew , Baba's co-worker and as for why I have his number is only for emergencies so why is he calling .maybe it's baba using his phone . I get out and answer.

" hello" , I greet " hi Rose where's your father, he won't pick up" , " aren't you at work ? that's where he is ". " well that's where he is supposed to be for the past 2 hours but he is not " TF where is he " are you sure cause he is not home either " I zone out as I recall Miss Simmons words ' what if that baby's case was not the first ' I question " Rose are -" " gotta go I'll let you know if I get something " I hang up before he answers .

' God please not baba too ' .

" Rose you good " Lena asks " yeah, I need to get home " " you sure ? " " yeah , you guys have a good night " " I'll drive you I need to rest too " Jay says . " I thought you would stay at mine tonight " Briana says confused ,

" sorry I can't , I have practice tomorrow morning " " oh okay but your my ride remember " she asks hopefully . pitiful . " Cheryl lives near you she can take you or Tasha " Jay says looking at both Tasha and Cheryl " I can't am not going home tonight "

" ouhh looks like you made up your mind " Aaron says . I don't even want to know . " me and Lena are picking up her little sisters since am her ride " Tasha explains looking at Lena who nods back in response , I almost laughed but that would blow up their lie . " are you for real , well Micheal ?" Michael hesitates but can't find an excuse I guess... " sure " he says simply and Briana gives him a flirty look . really ?? .

" so what about you and Briana I thought you broke up" .
