
Lotus in the swamp

Lisa is a girl raised by loving parents who always overprotected her. Soon they will move to Noxterlur, a city as beautiful as it is famous for its nights illuminated by golden stars; although to get there, she had to pay a very high price. And most importantly, she will have to survive the greed of many while trying to uncover what her parents have been hiding from her for 18 years.

PaolaAB · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Lycoris falling

On the outskirts of the city, there was a forest full of huge pine trees, it was night and the cold wind whistled, this being the protagonist of the night. If someone passed by there, they would have seen the marks of a car that had gone into the forest and they would ask questions like, what kind of people go into a forest at this time after midnight, it is not even a camping area, it is clear that they must not be good people. And clearly, no "good" person would be there to question this event.

—The sedative I gave her has already taken effect, she won't wake up until tomorrow—

—We can't give her away Julius, they don't even care about Lisa, why do they bother!—

—It's clear that they don't care about Sara, they do it to show power and that nobody dares to disobey—

—Impossible to go to the airport and in a boat we wouldn't last long, we'll have to detour from the highway— said Julius.

—Julius, I know we planned it years ago, but do you think it will still work— said Sara anxiously.

—The forest is a good place for that, it will work.—

They turned off the highway and headed the car into the woods. When they reached an area that both of them apparently already knew well, they stopped the car and got out. Illuminated only by the lights of the car, they began to approach the area that was their objective.

Lisa who was still lying in the car soon woke up and proceeded to sit up.

—Dad..., mom..., where are we? I fell asleep, why are we in a forest— she said still drowsy.

Her sight settled and she looked in front of her, but there was nobody there, she could only see trees dimly lit by the light of the car. 

Lisa got out of the car through the left door, walked straight ahead and saw nothing but pine trees swaying in the cold wind. She was scared, everything seemed so strange to her. She continued walking straight ahead, when she could see in the distance between the trees a yellow light suspended in the air illuminating two people kneeling and in front of them a person standing. Lisa started to walk faster and soon she was running with the hope of believing that those two were her parents.

—Mom, dad!— she shouted when she reached them.

—What's going on, why are they kneeling?—

Julius and Sara didn't say anything and they didn't dare to look at Lisa, as if someone had immobilized them by force. Lisa bent down and started to say:

—Answer, why don't you say anything, please, say something, look at me, please.—

—Back up— said a cold and emotionless voice.

Lisa looked up and saw black eyes empty of individuality, as if they had no criteria of their own. She stood up, her muscles tensed and asked:

—Who are you, what have you done to my parents— she asked furious and scared at the same time.

—Good evening Miss Lisa, allow me to introduce myself— immediately the floating light intensified and Lisa could see a middle aged man around 30 years old and far from 40.

—I am a possessed of House Nerium, and it is my duty to take you to where you belong— said the man without any emotion.

—But what nonsense are you saying! Release my parents right now!—

Lisa, between her shouts of complaint towards the man, heard a sharp and penetrating sound. She had never heard something like that; she thought it was an extra thin fabric tearing. Except that she turned her head towards her parents and saw their bellies filled with the deepest red.

«...». Lisa couldn't think of anything, she only saw that which would birth a hatred inside her.

Before they faded to the floor, Lisa held them in her lap and sobbed. 

—I'll call an ambulance, everything will be fine, don't worry—she anxiously tore her blouse, pressed the fabrics on their bellies, while she tried to reassure them. Although if the man who had done this had any judgment of his own, he would see that Lisa was also trying to calm down with her own words.

—Lisa, run to the right— said Lisa's mother, who had regained consciousness.

—... left... you'll be safe— said Julius and took his last breath.

—Go, now— And Sara stopped breathing.

«I left them», thought Lisa, as she ran in the direction her parents had indicated. She was running in anguish and hoping to find someone or something to help her. Her gaze spotted something unusual on the ground, she approached quickly and discovered that it was a door to the underground, with a lotus carved in its center in all its splendor and a crescent moon on the top. Lisa was a breath away from opening the door when the man following her held her tightly by the arm and pulled her in the opposite direction.

Lisa's screams of struggle made no sound in this lush forest because there were no more people there to hear them. She kicked, bit and cursed the one who was carrying her, but nothing had any effect. 

They arrived near the car and the man raised his hands, from which fire came out, burning the car in a matter of seconds. He continued in the direction of Lisa's parents, with the intention of doing the same. Lisa, noticing this, escaped as best she could, but the man dragged her until she was in front of her parents. The flames embraced the couple completely.

—¡Noooooooooo!— A visceral and heartbreaking scream rang out.

Lisa lost consciousness and only the man who claimed to be possessed was left standing. 

The possessed man took out of his baggy bag a small metal device with a rectangular shape, he activated the small handle of the device and three meters away from him a distorted field appeared, and he crossed it next to an unconscious Lisa.