

About the play Andre Martinez, a vampire who has lived looking like an eighteen year old for close to four centuries decides to enrol at the oxford university to help in mastering English in an articulate manner. He meets Maria Akua Asante, a Ghanaian who attracts his eye. In an attempt to save her life he does the most unthinkable thing, makes her drink his blood. How does Andre struggle to save the love of his life from danger while being in danger himself? The play focuses primarily on racism while in this case between a vampire and a human. The play is meant to all, to desist from racism whether one is white, black, vampire or not everyone needs to be treated as being equal. And also enlightens more on what love can do. But remember if you hate murder, romance and drama then I am sorry 'cos this ain't what you looking for

Manuelatubiga · Historia
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12 Chs


It has been a week since the news that uber's number one paid driver, Grey had been found in his apartment together with his twelve year old sister both dead in a pool of their own blood. The only survivor was his sick mum who was at the hospital receiving treatment when it happened. The police identified their as one of J.T.R {Jack the ripper}, this is how the police called death by a vampire. Uber's big dogs had paid the police to nab the culprit responsible for this heinous atrocity committed. Police constables have been dispatched to areas surrounding the deceased abode including educational institutions to investigate. Two constables with their names all classified as per the investigation procedure but code names 1 and 2 for easy communications among them were dispatched to Oxford University to investigate since it was on the list of places to investigate.]

POLICE CONSTABLE 1: 2 you and I were dispatched to Oxford University for our investigation but I don't know why if the culprit is actually a vampire be doing in a university.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: It could be that the vampire if an illegal is trying to learn English to speak fluently or he or she is there as a decoy to his or her killings. [Both constables are well trained in martial arts and gunfire. Constable 1 is the captain of the elite division of vampire police while Constable 2 is his vice. The elite division of vampire police is division under the police responsible for investigating in matters involving vampires and experimenting on the captured ones.]

ELIZABETH: MARIA have you seen the two constables patrolling our campus?

MARIA: Yh just saw them enter the chancellor's office on my way here.

ELIZABETH: Just heard from a gossip that our college's on the list of places to investigate concerning GREY's murder since he regularly commuted students to and from the college day in and day out.

MARIA: Wait so are the police going to interrogate everyone on his pick up list? [She didn't really understand why she asked this question but she had to know since she frequently charted his uber for most of the trips downtown.]

ELIZABETH: I can't really tell but if they are pretty darn serious then they could really narrow their investigation on the people he last picked.

MARIA: Then I guess I would soon be paid a visit by the constables.

ELIZABETH: Why? [She seemed worried when MARIA mentioned of expecting a visit from the police constables quite soon. She had always loved MARIA like the sister she never had, and always looked out for the best.]

MARIA: I'm saying 'cos we charted the late GREY's uber on the day of HIS death.

ELIZABETH: [surprised] we as in do you mean ANDRE and you? Where did you guys go to?

MARIA: [She didn't quite comprehend ELIZABETH's behaviour. Perhaps it might be rational for her behave this way since she is like a SISTER to her, left contemplating with her thoughts.] Yh, we just made a trip to the park which we ended up getting wet by the rain.

ELIZABETH: Well then I guess you would be summoned by them for interrogation way soon.

[Few hours later, the constables with the necessary warrant were able to make ANDRE and MARIA follow them to the station for interrogation to offer any help with the investigation.]

POLICE CONSTABLE 1: As we said earlier at your school, you ain't being arrested but are gonna be asked questions since you were last people the deceased picked per his recent rides.[ He hoped P.C.2 would be able to gain Intel from them which might help speed up the investigation . Motioning P.C.2 with a wave of his hand to escort them to the interrogation room to commence the interrogation. The room had a lie detector with its operator and MARIA was to be interrogated first.]

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: This isn't gonna take much of your time , you're are just going to be asked questions concerning that night but if tell a lie the machine would inform us. Do you understand?

MARIA: Yh, just ask the questions okay.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: Well then let's begin, on the night of GREY's murder few hours before that; did you or did you not see anything suspicious or odd?

MARIA: Suspicious as in what?

POLICE CONSTABLE: [Trying to remain without overreacting to HER attitude.] Anything like seeing an unusual car tailing at his back.

MARIA: Oh you mean that, didn't see anything sort of like that.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: Okay if you say so, narrate to me all what happened before he drove off after dropping you at the park.

MARIA: ANDRE and I after sitting in the vehicle heading towards the park which is only a block around the corner…..

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: [Interjecting] a block around the corner!!

MARIA: Right the look you have on now is pretty much the as GREY had on after reaching our drop off site. He was really pissed at ANDRE for ordering a ride not far from his destination.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: Well, being in his shoes I would have reacted like that since the park is just a four minute walk away from the college.

MARIA: He went to the extreme of dissing ANDRE'S mum for not training her son well, that seemed to infuriate ANDRE but I managed to restrain him from committing any regrettable act.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: He dissed his mum!![He had been completely focused on the lie detector, waiting for a shift in pulse reading but he had none either what she had told him was the truth or she's a perfect con artist.]

MARIA: Yh and I think that's all what happened or you would like to know what happened when it rained that night.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: Don't bother we're good to go; you could go back to the school or wait for ANDRE at the front desk while he's being interrogated.

MARIA: I would wait but you promise to catch the murderer 'cos a lot of us can't sleep well at night knowing the murderer's still on the prowl.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: I can't promise but to try our best, madam and it was nice for you to share with us a little of your time. [He watched her leave the room as he waited for ANDRE so they could commence with the interrogation right away, all but hoping for new leads to follow to help with the investigation.]


[At the front desk MARIA met ANDRE before he was escorted to the interrogation room.]

MARIA: Go in there and make it quick, love.

ANDRE: I will but don't miss me out here too much, promise to make it back in one piece. [He proceeded to walk towards the room, leaving her to ponder on what he just said. He met the young police constable seated with another man manning a machine he recognized as a lie detector.]

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: Take a seat young man.

ANDRE: Alright as you say.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: Without much ado, let's begin the interrogation. Your name, young man?

ANDRE: I'm Andre.

POLICE CONSTABLE 2: Or you mean Andre Martinez, born on the ninth of June in the year 2002 in France to be specific in Montpellier. Landed on English soil last two months with a visa for educational purpose, currently studying law at Oxford University. What I don't seem to understand is why you came to London alone.

ANDRE: You've really done your research and the reason for coming here is quite simple 'cos my family didn't like me to come to London but I had to anyway. Does this answer your question?

POLICE CONSTABLE 2:Well with the reports we have, since your arrival a lot of deaths had occurred around you even with this recent death of Mr. GREY, well are you the murderer or do you work with the murderer or not?

ANDRE: I'm quite aware of those deaths and as I said to those, they're just coincidences and no I ain't the murderer nor his …..[POLICE