

Long ago, in a far-off land, there existed a unique world known as Nalia. This world was unlike any other, as it was free from the scourge of war and existed only in a state of perpetual peace. The inhabitants of Nalia were a diverse group, consisting of animal-human hybrids and elves. Despite their differences, these beings coexisted harmoniously, creating a society that was both peaceful and prosperous. It is truly remarkable to think that such a world could exist, free from the strife and conflict that plagues our own. I find the concept of Nalia to be both fascinating and inspiring, and I am grateful to have learned about it. I am James Gold, the sole human inhabitant of Nalia. It is my discovery that this world exists, and it appears that the "people" here have assumed that humans or dwarves have gone extinct. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier. I assure you that my discovery has been thoroughly documented and studied. It is with great approval that I continue to explore and study this unique environment. I came here two days ago to study the world. But, due to an enormous storm, my boat crashed and washed ashore. I hope I can learn more about this world.