
Lost Sea : Journal of K

Kaitoren. This name means wave, wave breaker. There are some things about the church and Christianity that make me very angry at times. I'm trying to express those feelings here. In the midst of the artist's cynical critique of Christianity and human nature, there is one thing I want readers to discover. Hope, not despair. I do not mean to be angry, but to hold on to what can be hope, and not to be stretched; therefore, do not be angry I ask you.

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3 Chs

In the Drifting Sea, and the Pirates




I heard sea noise and shaking of the sea.

I was in a ship way to an island to do a business meeting in a island, but many things went wrong after the ship having a big crash.


When I looked inside I knew I just had done something wrong that I would regret. There were criminal looking criminal feeling up the room 5-6 and they all had those classic ski mask on their face.


The man right in front of me screamed at my face.

The scream was so loud I panic and did what they asked me to do.


I sat down on my knee and they started to tie my feet so I couldn't run away.

'Follow me'

The leader and the man pulled my clothe so there was no other way than just following.

I followed without question. I vaguely remembered my first army days. I remembered being stripped of all my clothes as soon as I arrived, put in a bath, and then made to step in with them.

Thinking about it should have eased my fears a bit, but I was also worried about the people on the ship and began to wonder where I was going.

My eyes were dragging unfocused.


I opened a solid-looking metal doorway and found myself in a long corridor. It looked like a control room, and when I looked into the next room, I saw a man in a white hat with one hand cuffed. There was a toilet and silver handles on the wall, so I assumed it was a handicapped restroom. He dragged me into the room, handcuffed one of my hands, and hooked the other side of the handcuff to the silver handle on the toilet.

The robber then pushed the door open with a


and left.

A moment later, I heard a gruff, thick male voice on the other side of the door.

"Don't think about running away. You could endanger everyone.'


Tick, tick, tick.

Wei yi ying .. . Wei wei wei wei

There was silence, only the sound of water dripping, something turning, and the faint breathing of the man in front of me.

I asked.

'Is he ... there?'

The man seemed unconscious.

Oh, no.

I looked at my watch. It's now 7pm.

I thought about having a few moments of silence with this mysterious man and rearranged my seat and stretched my legs into a comfortable position.

I shook my head.