
Lost Sea : Journal of K

Kaitoren. This name means wave, wave breaker. There are some things about the church and Christianity that make me very angry at times. I'm trying to express those feelings here. In the midst of the artist's cynical critique of Christianity and human nature, there is one thing I want readers to discover. Hope, not despair. I do not mean to be angry, but to hold on to what can be hope, and not to be stretched; therefore, do not be angry I ask you.

Kracan · Real
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3 Chs


A minutes later I woke up again.

Looking around my eyes has brighten up finally so that I could where I was sitting. This room was an ordinary bath room. And the person was presumed to be the pilot of the Ship.

I glanced at him, but I couldn't see his face because he had his face downward.

-is he awake?

I thought.

'Awake? '

Captain suddenly spoke up.


'YES! yes .. . I am. Are you okay sir? '

' Yeah I'm fine. I just have some pain in the neck and shoulder because they've attcked me when I was resting in my room on my sofa.. Dang it.. '

.. . He looked pitty, since I wasn't bitten up or anything.

' what's your name? '

' My name is. . .'

Wait what was my name?

for some reason my name didn't pop up but there wer bunch of letters passing through my head. 'K' 'P' 'O' . ..

'huh? You heard what I said?'

I have to .. say something !!

'Blue. sir. My name is blue'

From many words flying by I immitely flied around the space in my head and grabbed on to words and found blue. I just didn't want to look suspicious in a locked room like this.

'Blue.. I see because you are a fish man '

A fish man..? I couldn't know what kind of joke that was so I just laughed a little and choked on my saliva.

'So.. what are we going to do now? What should we do? .. Are the people in danger? '

'One question at a time please'

He said bluntly.

'Who were those people? '

'Well I think they are Pirates from the sea of Madusa. They are known to appear at a certain time only, so if the storm wasn't there to delay my ship, this probably didn't happen.'

Bang ! Bang !

Suddenly there was a gun shot from outside. and a little scream that sounded like women 5-7 I suppose. Also I was suprised that I shrinked instantly.

'Did you hear that? What's going on ? '

But the cap headed Captain just kept speaking bluntly.

'So the strange thing is, pirates usually have their own ship but these thief came on a helicopter which has a big probablity of .. '

'SIR! '

I said raising my voice.

He slightly looked up at me, with his eyebrow in a shape of nike, suggesting me that he didn't like that.

' … ehhh . . hm WHAT '

He said holding back his anger.

I wanted to say sorry, but saying sorry to much in a relationship could be bad so I swallowed my thought. A moment later my lips moved to speak.

'.. I thought the captain was the one who should concern about the people and do what's right. You know the story of the captain abandoning the boat with students left inside, so he wen to prison.. Are you not worried about them ? '

' Well .. I am. I am absolutely, of course I am'

He said with many emotion displaying in his face changing every 0.5 second, which was hard for me to understand how he felt.

'Ok. than. why are you doing nothing in here? '

'Me? well. . what do you suppose me to do then? Go outside and make my self a revolutionary hero defeating the theives? No I can't do that, I'm not Neo from Matrix. You know what would happen if I go out there? This is what would happen.

I will probably walk to a room where you were caught, the control center right? and there will be people who are my crew, and also theives with mask and gun at least 3 of them.

And They would look at me like Oh look who is here, it's the captain.

And what do you expect me to do, run at the theives to get shot? well I can't do that. So I would stand there and say. .

Uhhh. . . guys I think my hand-cough loosen.. So I got outside.. Can you tie me again? I would probably say the most stupid things just so that I wouldn't get bitten up by them, AGAIN.'

'Well I wasn't telling you to do that'

'Ok fine than, what would you do if you were the captain, huh? '

This is an actual Tough question? Everything he said was right. If he makes one wrong move, the hostage might get hurt.

I wined back and recalled the memory of the accident 'The Ship Wreck' This happened at the my home country and because of this many students died and the blame was on the government not making fast decisions and mostly the captain, running away not warning the students on the boat. That trip was something that the club of each school went so 5 of my friends from school went there when I was high school. I remembered coming out of the school, seeing the crying faces of parents of the lost ones and sign they were holding on.

But what was the real problem? What was the difference from that situation and this?

My head was getting overloaded, also with emotion.


I sighed.

I layed my head what was the right things to do? Well I didn't know. But my consience said that I should not be laying on the floor while people might be dying out there so I picked myself up, sitting and leaning on the wall.