

One day I was walking to school by myself I was a block away witch was great because it was 8:00 and school starts at 8:45 meaning I was early but then all a sudden I walk past this coffee shop and there is this girl I think about my age she was wearing a skirt and hoodie but with the hod was up I minded my own business trying to look away until she looked up and said "hey there" I looked back kinda confused but I said "hey" anyways. She started walking up to me and all a sudden she hugged me "uh hey what are you doing I don't know you" she looked up at me and said " I know I just wanted a hug" All a sudden I feel her putting something in my back pocket. I look at her " un hey what are you doing" she whispers to me " don't make this bad for me someone it watching me

just act like it is noting it will be fine" she slowly backs up and says goodbye I say bye back as I walk to school " what was that what does she mean by someone is watching her I god I hope I don't bump into her again" I look down at my phone "oh f*ck I am going to be late" I run as fast as I can to school but lucky I make it. I make it to my sit in class and sit down we do are regular routine like always and a-virtually school it down. I pack up my stuff and start to head outside until all of a sudden my friends come up to me.