
Lost on The Path of Life

The main character Rían gets another shot at life, meanwhile being a source of entertainment for cosmic beings. Follow along as the once cold character learns to be warm and forge his own path. Maybe a little lost, but we’re all lost on the path of life… ~Author’s Thoughts~ Getting tired of waiting for some stories to update so decided to write my own. The main world will be Pokemon the anime, but with some twists. My hope is to have the readers also make suggestions as the story is written, I love author reader interactive stories. However, I won’t go too crazy and change the story completely. Also I don’t any of the franchises that are referenced (wish I was that genius), beside the characters I create.

ReinAndHalos · Cómic
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22 Chs

Chapter 14 Makings of a Champion

Waking up I sit upright at incredible speeds, looking at the time on my phone I find I only have 1 hour before my gym battle. Quickly getting ready I'm about to put on my head band, but I decided to switch it up by wearing around my neck. Letting my hair out naturally because I didn't have the time to put it up in my usual messy bun. I check to make sure I have all my pokemon and incubators and make sure they're healthy. Then my clothes, I'm wearing my usual white tank top, white slacks, black sandals, and my black jacket. Deciding I spent enough time making sure I don't look like a fool in front of a live audience I ran out of the pokemon center to the gym.

-And then..-

Looking at the time I'm 15 minutes early which is cutting it close because it usually takes 5-10 minutes to get things ready before their scheduled broadcast. Moving inside the receptionist recognizes me, I mean how many teens with white hair are running around? They hurriedly take me to the battle platform in front of the familiar rock battlefield. I open my arms wide and take in the ambience of battle. Only to be rudely interrupted, seriously what's with the timing!?


[New Quest!

Finally, taking forever, you made your way to the FIRST gym battle. In front of the whole world, not that anyone is gonna watch a nobody like you, you gotta flex. Win the battle against Brock without taking any damage. If you fail, then are you even competent? Seriously Brock is not even the toughest gym leader.

Reward: Battle Intimidation(Skill: Activates when in a battle according to the user's will. Once activated, illusionary boss music will start playing to demoralize your opponent.), Key Stone, Unlock Gacha App, x2 gacha ticket (new feature!)]

What? Why is this even a skill and why did I never know I wanted something so bad? I don't know about other people but being the boss in the boss battle has always been a secret dream of mine. Having theme music playing for me when I battle is a huge flex and necessary as a boss. However, the gacha function is pretty scary, something that makes me somewhat hesitant to try to complete this quest. It's a trap I fell into in my past life, spending tear inducing amounts of money only to be unlucky. Surviving on cup ramen to save money and recoup some of your losses. It truly is a dark place, and worst of all a real addiction. Whatever, I will try to complete this quest, as someone who strives to be the strongest I shouldn't shy away from challenges.

Focusing on what's going on in front of me, Brock has arrived and the announcer starts to signal to begin the livestream. "Welcome to the Pewter City Gym Broadcast ladies and gentlemen, we have another challenger from Pallet Town. In the challenger's corner, making his first League Circuit debut, Rian Ambrose!!! And in the home corner, is the rock solid guy, the Pewter City hero, Brock Harrison!!! The winner will be decided in single-battle format, with two pokemon allowed each. The challenger can only switch once their pokemon has fainted or has defeated the opponent's pokemon."

"It's finally time for our battle Rian, are you ready because I'm going to give this my all! Let my rock type pokemon show you our rock-hard defense and our true-grit determination. You're up first Graveler!" Brock sends out Graveler, a bipedal boulder pokemon with small bumps covering its round body and a crest above its eyes and mouth. It has four arms with the second pair being tucked into its chest.

[Graveler ♂


Potential: Platinum grade

Ability: Rock Head/ Protects it from recoil damage

Favored Moves: Rock Tomb, Defense Curl, Rock Throw, Rock Polish]

"Look here folks it's Brock's Graveler making its first appearance in a while against a rookie challenger. Today is surely going to be a truly exciting battle if Brock is bringing out the big guns right from the start. Now, how will the challenger respond?"

After my battle with Team Rocket I can now see the opponent's most used attacks, but I won't let that blindside me when it uses other moves. Not to mention Graveler is 7 levels higher than Pidgeotto, and his defense makes tanking a steel wing child's play. Even with Pidgeotto's strong flying type moves which are resisted by rock, the odds aren't in my favor. This isn't an unwinnable battle though, and it's these odds that gets my blood pumping. Grabbing Pidgeotto's luxury ball I grip it in my hand, this is my first official battle and the world is watching. My battle intent oozing causes my aura to hazily surround me, and with an excited grin I face Brock. "Thank you for taking my Challenge seriously Brock, I can tell you Graveler is really strong, not something a rookie trainer can take on. My choice in pokemon may seem absurd, but I'm also going to be giving this my all. Because there's a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt of intimidation. Me and my pokemon will rise to levels that others can't follow and here on this battlefield we'll show everyone. Get ready to dominate the skies, let's do this Pidgeotto!"

Coming out of the luxury ball is a raptor-like bird pokemon, with khaki colored feathers, a cream colored underside, face and flight feathers. It has a crest of golden feathers on its head, and black angular markings behind its eyes. The plumes on its tail are golden with ragged tips. Its feet have sharp talons, two on the front and one on the back of its foot. My choice in pokemon has completely baffled the announcer, and Brock has an ugly expression probably thinking I'm taking him lightly. In the stands I also notice that Ash and Misty are watching my gym battle. It seems like they finally made it out of that forest. I could also see Misty visibly deflate when my Pidgeotto came out, meanwhile Ash looks curious about the shiny color variance. The announcer quickly collected himself and started his commentary.

(A/N: Pidgeotto)

"What is going on in the challenger's mind folks, in response to Brock's rock type pokemon, Rian has sent a flying type pokemon. Which is known to be incredibly weak to rock-type attacks, does the challenger have something in mind or is he out of his rocker? Since both challengers are ready, let the battle begin!"

"I regret taking your challenge seriously Rian, your choice in pokemon has really left me disappointed in this battle. Graveler let's finish this already, rock throw." Graveler starts creating rocks upon Brock's command and shoots them towards Pidgeotto. But I won't be giving him the chance to hit Pidgeotto.

"You should know Brock, type advantage isn't everything. Sometimes overwhelming power can't defeat technique. Pidgeotto, charge your air slash while using quick attack to avoid its attack!" Flying type energy begins to envelop his wings as he begins to doge the incoming attacks with superior maneuverability. As this cat and mouse game continues for a little while, eventually there's a gap in Graveler's onslaught as it needs to recharge before attacking again. All the while the flying energy in Pidgeotto's wings has reached monstrous levels, and his determination helps shrug off the fatigue from avoiding every attack perfectly. Taking this opportunity I finally reveal my secret weapon in this battle, a move that I came up with on the spot. "This is our chance Pidgeotto, unleash your charged attack, tempest slash!"

Releasing the charged up energy from his wings, out comes a powerful razor-like wind traveling quickly towards Graveler in a spiral fashion. The foreign attack takes Brock by surprise but he quickly composes himself because of his experience as a gym leader. "Graveler, use defense curl and try to hang in there!" Graveler swiftly curls into a ball in an attempt to defend against the attack that has already arrived. The attack hits Graveler instantly destroying its defenses, carrying it through the field creating gashes due to the ferocious attack. It continues until Graveler is buried into the wall of the gym.

"What did we just see folks!? Challenger Rian's Pidgeotto let out a devastating never-seen-before flying attack! It completely blew away Brock's Graveler and destroyed the field! It also seems Graveler is stunned from the attack and unable to move!"

Because Tempest Slash is a derivative of Air Slash it has the same effect causing the opponent to flinch, but to a higher degree creating a new condition I like to call stun. Until Graveler pulls to its senses it won't be able to defend against our attacks. Covering Graveler are visible wounds from trying to tank the tempest slash. But that won't stop me from trying to end this battle, and it's exactly that a battle with a winner and a loser. "It's time to end this Pidgeotto combination attack, quick attack and steel wing into a steel wing barrage!"

Brock's confident and disdainful demeanor instantly changes as he can see Graveler is unable to defend itself from Pidgeottos constant steel wing blows that are getting faster. "Graveler! I forfeit this round!"

As soon as I hear Brock's admission of defeat I call Pidgeotto to stop and return him back to his ball with a "job well done." On the opposite side of the field is Brock who ran to where Graveler was knocked out. I feel a little bad for hurting the Graveler so much, but I couldn't risk holding back. The first round I've successfully won without taking any damage, and now Pidgeotto is Lvl.23, learning both tempest slash and twister. Our bond has also gone up to 70%, 30% more and one of his evolution requirements will be met.

"The first round goes to the challenger, in an exciting upset Rian turns the tables with his Pidgeotto's powerful attacks. What other exciting things will be shown in the next battle?"

Brock has finished treating Graveler and returned him to the pokeball. "I'll admit it Rian, I had underestimated your Pidgeotto and looked down on you both. This cost me a lot, but I won't make the same mistake in the next battle. I'm counting on you once more, Onix!" Out comes Brock's signature pokemon, a towering Onix of 8.8m. A different one from the one he fought Leaf with. I can tell because this one is also platinum grade potential while the one he used previously was only gold. Not only that, it's Lvl.29 and not the previous Lvl.20, a level jump that couldn't change in just the span of the day.

"And the battle goes on folks, Brock chooses his signature pokemon Onix. Unlike the gym rental pokemon he usually uses, this Onix is one that Brock has raised himself and is a longtime partner. Now how will the challenger respond?"

I sent out my next pokemon, Feebas, but something incredible happened. It seems that Feebas was just waiting for the perfect stage to showcase her beautiful metamorphosis. In the field her serpentine body appeared out of the blinding evolutionary light. From her head is a cream colored horn, the color keeps consistent for her upper body. Above her blue eyes are thin pinkish antennae that grow outwards. Additionally there are long baby-blue hair like fins above its eyes which begin thin and thickens towards the tips. On her lower body are golden diamond-shaped scales outlined with black. At her tail are four gold fan-like fins with pinkish oval patterns. "It's time to show the world your elegant strength, the stage is yours Milotic!"

[Milotic (Shiny) ♀



Potential: Platinum grade

Bond: 90%

HP: 70

Attack: 30

Defense: 41

Sp. Attack: 56

Sp. Defense: 60

Speed: 44


Marvel Scale/ Defense increased by 50% when induced with a status

Competitive/ Raises Sp. Attack by two stages when a stat is lowered

Adaptability/ Increase damage of moves of the same type by 2x

Moves: Flail, Dragon Breath, Mirror Coat, Water Gun, Tackle, Surf, Water Pulse, Disarming Voice, Twister, Aqua Ring, Attract]

(A/N: Milotic)

"If I wasn't here to see it I wouldn't believe it viewers. As challenger Rian sent out Feebas it evolved into a beautiful Milotic. A pokemon that isn't found in Kanto. It's just one surprise after another, this has to be the most eventful gym battle in Pewter in a long time. Now that both sides have sent out their pokemon the battle can commence!"

The first to give orders is Brock, "Onix Rock Slide!" Not having much coverage against a water type like Milotic, Brock opts for a strategy of pure brawn. Unfortunately, I won't even let him have the chance. With Milotic's evolution, new strategies can now be used.

"Don't let Onix have the chance, stun it with a disarming voice and then finish with a surf!" Milotic quickly sends a pink sound wave that stops Onix from its action. Then, generating a large wave of water, she sweeps Onix and the entire battlefield. The once rocky battlefield was covered in shallow water. Unable to withstand the powerful water type attack, it was knocked out. An anticlimactic end to the battle but with Milotic's adaptability and Onix's 4x weakness to water, there wasn't any other outcome. With this battle, Milotic leveled up to Lvl.21 and learned Life Dew.

As a completely defeated Brock returns Onix to his pokeball, the announcer calls out my victory. "Oh my Mew! You saw it here folks, Brock's Onix was completely overwhelmed by the challenger's Milotic. Winning himself the boulder badge and his first step to participate in the championship tournament. Wait a minute, folks did you notice what I did? Throughout this whole battle Rian's pokemon haven't taken any damage! What other amazing feats will Rian show in future League Circuit battles? He's certainly a trainer to follow for future battles."

With the battle over the announcer cuts out the feed and a depressed Brock approaches me. He quickly gives me my badge, TM Rock Tomb and 20k pokedollars. He wasn't in the talking mood and quickly left to get his pokemon healed with Nurse Joy, and maybe his heart too. I put the badge away in a case I keep in my jacket breast pocket. Then I load the TM onto my phone before giving it to the announcer. Said announcer said that he was now my biggest fan and asked for an autograph for when I become famous. Never having done an autograph before, so I just wrote my name on the picture of me and Milotic. How he got that so fast I'll never know.

When I exited the gym I was greeted by Ash holding Pikachu, he seemed really pensive about something. Then out of nowhere Misty hugged my neck, "You were amazing Rian! I was worried when you sent out Pidgeotto, but then you showed everyone that they were wrong for underestimating you. Then Feebas evolved into that beautiful Milotic, you've just got to let me see her up close. You should've told me that you were having a gym battle today, it was just luck we walked in while you were having yours. Also I thought maybe we could go on a date later…"

Breaking free from her hug, I gave her forehead a gentle tap. "Sorry Misty I gotta get moving towards Cerulean City, I've been in Pewter for too long. Next time we see each other I'll let you see Milotic, right now she's resting. Glad you enjoyed the battle, and sorry I didn't tell you it just kinda slipped my mind haha. What's got you thinking so hard Ash?" I completely brush off Misty asking me on a date like a smooth criminal. Then I turn toward Ash who's holding onto Pikachu tighter.

"Rian I came straight to the gym so I could challenge it and get my badge right away. Normally I would ask you for a battle immediately, but after seeing your battle I realized. I wouldn't be able to beat you or Brock, and then my pokemon would get hurt because of me. But this doesn't change anything, I'll catch up to you soon, and I'll beat Brock just you wait!" With that, Ash takes off in some random direction, probably to train his pokemon before Brock. Misty says goodbye with a kiss on my cheek and runs after Ash. Once I'm finally alone I head to the pokemon center to get a check up for my pokemon before I head to Mt. Moon.

Meanwhile all around Kanto various people are having different reactions after seeing Rian's battle. Certain rivals are more motivated to keep improving, or decided to keep a more watchful eye on this competition. A certain goofy trio is sweating bullets, having thought they dodged a bullet by sticking to Pikachu. In a certain underground organization he was given a danger level to make sure lower level members stayed away. All of this happened whilst the main character is completely unaware of these changes.

Phew another chapter done for my favorite people, now I sleep haha

ReinAndHaloscreators' thoughts