
Lost on The Path of Life

The main character Rían gets another shot at life, meanwhile being a source of entertainment for cosmic beings. Follow along as the once cold character learns to be warm and forge his own path. Maybe a little lost, but we’re all lost on the path of life… ~Author’s Thoughts~ Getting tired of waiting for some stories to update so decided to write my own. The main world will be Pokemon the anime, but with some twists. My hope is to have the readers also make suggestions as the story is written, I love author reader interactive stories. However, I won’t go too crazy and change the story completely. Also I don’t any of the franchises that are referenced (wish I was that genius), beside the characters I create.

ReinAndHalos · Cómic
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22 Chs

Chapter 13 All In a Day

Facing the level 40 Nidoqueen I noticed that it only knew physical attacking moves. It had poison jab, brick break, fire punch, and some other basic moves. But according to the scan those where it's most used moves. Also its ability is poison point, and if we touch it or it attacks us more than likely we'll be poisoned. And as much as I like to hype myself up even with aura I can at most break a rock. Meanwhile, with an attack stat of 91, Nidoqueen could destroy a small hill. This also means that the hostages are at risk during this battle. But I had a plan, when afflicted with burn a pokemon's attack stat will decrease by half. Then with the status condition Zorua's bitter malice damage will be doubled. It's risky to give away its signature move but I don't have much of a choice. I need to finish this quickly. Hopefully they think it's just some rare Eevee.

With my plan in mind I needed a way to burn Nidoqueen, and as much as I wished Zorua didn't know will-o-wisp. So I bought a flame orb from the PGQ shop for 50 coins (50k pokedollars). It's a palm-sized glass orb with a raging fire inside. If I wasn't covering my body in my aura I would've burned myself just holding it. I hide it behind my back so she can't see anymore.

(A/N: Flame Orb)

"What're you doing brat? Calling for help? Help won't arrive in time once I'm done with you. Nidoqueen finish that Eevee with a brick break!"

Yes! She doesn't know but Zorua is actually a normal/ghost type and is immune to fighting type moves. But more importantly I can throw the orb into the attack and inflict the burn. I push my senses and body to the max, Nidoqueen with a speed stat of 76 can reach some scary speeds, but Zorua is no slouch with her superior speed. As the Nidoqueen closes in with her fist glowing in fighting type energy, I ready my throwing arm and yell to Zorua. "Quick Attack out of the way now!" With Zorua out of the way I threw the flame orb into Nidoqueen's attack, it burst into flames that surrounded it. It certainly wasn't a legal move but that doesn't matter in situations like these.

"What have you done you insolent brat!? Nidoqueen shake it off, hyper beam them to ashes!" She didn't take too kindly to my cheap shot, but it seems she's pretty competent since she didn't stick with physical attacks. But this isn't the time to praise my enemy, a hyper beam will destroy this building and possibly fatally injure everyone here. Even though humans in this world live longer and have stronger bodies, but hyper beam is an ultimate move of destruction. So I'll have to stop her here and now, I didn't want to have to use this move but I don't have a choice now.

"Don't let it finish that attack, bitter malice with everything you got now!" Sending a wave of ghost energy that quickly surrounded Nidoqueen in a ring making it burst in ghostly flames that fed on the burn condition. Nidoqueen couldn't concentrate on the energy it had started charging from its mouth, making it explode adding further damage. After the dust settled everyone could see Nidoqueen's figure, a pregnant silence filled the room waiting to see what would happen next. Nidoqueen slowly fell to its knees and then collapsed on the floor with swirls for eyes.

(A/N: In case anyone is curious, Nidoqueen in this case had a Sp.Def of 85, and after some calculations bitter malice only did 70% of the damage. Using all its power Zorua boosted bitter malice's base power from 60 to 80. This move doubles in power if the opponent has a status condition.The rest was recoil damage from the failed hyper beam.)

"How could this happen? I don't believe it, beaten by some blindfolded freak. Everything was going my way…"

While she lifelessly fell to the ground in disbelief I quickly returned Zorua to her pokeball to rest. She was barely standing with her sheer willpower, any longer and she would collapse with her illusion vanishing. I was really lucky in this battle, if Nidoqueen hadn't suffered recoil damage from its own attack then Zorua wouldn't be able to do anything after her last attack. Also if Nidoqueen wasn't burned or stationary our chances of winning were even more abysmal. Gramps was right, I should focus on getting stronger. Luckily nothing terrible happened to me or my pokemon this time. Not to mention Zorua got much stronger…

[Zorua ♀



Potential: Diamond grade

Bond: 92%

HP: 92

Attack: 88

Defense: 80

Sp. Attack: 91

Sp. Defense: 80

Speed: 87


Dark Force/ Boosts damage of dark type moves by 1.5x, and at night stats will increase by 20%

Illusion/ Capable of creating and controlling illusions

Moves: Bitter Malice, Swift, Shadow Sneak, Snarl, Extrasensory, Counter, Torment, Hone Claws, Fury Swipes, Scary Face, Quick Attack, Tackle, Taunt, Knock Off, Slash, Agility

Evolution Requirement: Bond 100% + Reaper Cloth at night]

*Ding* [Quest Complete! Sending rewards] I didn't bother to check my rewards, I was too mentally exhausted from the battle. I wonder if Jay had any trouble with the grunts that went upstairs. But there is no rest for the wicked, because I was instantly tackled from behind by Betty and her two little friends.

"Wow mister you beat up all the bad guys like a real life superhero! Thanks for protecting us from the bad guys!" Betty was latched onto my back telling me how cool I was with various sound effects. Next a little boy on my right pulled my pant leg.

"Thank you mister blind enforcer, my name is Nathan. It was really scary but I believed in you." That was the superhero name that was a reward in the quest. I was hoping it was a joke but it seems like some things are unavoidable. The confusion on my face must have been obvious because the little girl on my left who practically had stars in her eyes began to explain.

"Yea! Yea! Mister I'm Mary I came up with that superhero name, do you like it!? The blind enforcer who fights injustice and evil, blind to the danger ahead but comes to save the day and makes sure justice prevails! I'm your number one fan now and I wanna be a hero just like you when I grow up!" By the end of her spiel she was dancing around while making various superhero poses. Her excitement was a bit infectious and brought a smile to my face. I ruffled her hair to keep her from wandering around too much, even though everyone is defeated it's better to be safe than sorry.

"Sure but you gotta grow up and be a strong trainer first, don't get yourself into trouble. Remember if you can't handle something it's okay to retreat and get help. Since it's the name from my first fan, how can I not like it?" Even though the name was kinda cringe I'm not about to roast a kid about it. The tired receptionist also thanked me for helping her. She ended up giving me a piece of paper with her number on it. I didn't know if it really was her number, it was just a guess because of my blindfold. But maybe it was because started blushing because the kids were teasing her about being the damsel. Obviously I wouldn't be using her number, because I wore a disguise for a reason.

Soon after Jay joined us along with the couple that was upstairs. They didn't have any trouble with the four grunts upstairs. I was truly dumbfounded by my "luck" because while I was dealing with strong pokemon Jay only had to defeat 2 Zubats and 2 Rattata. The reason he didn't join me sooner for backup was because the couple wouldn't let him go, afraid of getting tangled up with the noise downstairs. I wasn't salty about it for long because the kids were calling him my sidekick, Mr. Swirls. They took inspiration from his swirly glasses for his hero name. He kept a calm expression about the whole situation, but I could see his fists clenched when he saw the odds I had to face while he had it easy.

Finally the police had arrived, I don't know why they didn't show up sooner. The whole battle lasted an hour, and it was already midnight. No idea what kids are doing at a museum at this time of night, but their parents looked relieved to see that they were okay. We were being held by Officer Jenny, a woman with teal hair, auburn eyes, and a blue police uniform with a skirt. She's part of the Jenny clan, a family that has dedicated their lives to law enforcement throughout the world. She, just like the joy clan, also looks the same as all the other women in their family. In fact only women are recorded of being born in either of those clans. I could see her because I had to take my headband off my eyes, keeping it around my neck for safe keeping.

Eventually she and the other officers finished taking statements from everyone and arresting Team Rocket and securing their pokemon. I had asked what would happen to their confiscated pokemon, because I was genuinely curious. Turns out if you don't have a trainer license and you're caught committing a crime then your pokemon are forfeit. They go to either a pokemon sanctuary or are released in the wild; it depends on Nurse Joy's diagnosis. Now it was our turn to be questioned by the fiery policewoman.

"What do you young men think you're doing, coming to a scene you knew Team Rocket was going to rob. There were some really dangerous individuals in there today and you or someone around you could have gotten hurt. You should just leave it to the professionals." I had to intervene because the look on Jay's face said that he was ready to explode and last out at any minute.

"Now, now, moumantai Officer Jenny. No need to get worked up about it, it worked out in the end and no one was hurt besides Team Rocket. Plus we wore disguises so they'll never know who got in their way."

"Momen-what? Now listen here young man things may have worked out this time but this is a problem for the adults." Unfortunately something she said seemed to rub off Jay the wrong way and he started yelling at no one in particular.

"Leave it to the adults? What a joke! I tried telling you guys earlier that Team Rocket was going to rob the fossil museum! but you guys laughed it off saying that I'm just a kid and not to play pranks! What a great job you adults are doing, where are you when people need you? Where were you when parents leave their child at an orphanage without a word to anybody!" He was panting emotionally as he bled his inner thoughts to the world. I had an idea that there was a reason he had such an obsession with crime. Probably something along the lines that if the world was peaceful then no one would have to give up or leave their children.

"I didn't mean to admonish you for your good deeds, I'm just trying to tell you not to put yourselves in danger. I'm sorry that we adults have let you down so much. You know what, I'm going to adopt you. It seems you have a good sense of justice, I'll give you a recommendation to the police academy and I'll help you find your parents."

-In the Pokemon Center lodging-

I was completely dumbfounded by the events of tonight. First of all, I wasn't expecting to fight a midboss before I even fought the first gym. Second, I didn't expect to drop 50k on an item that I destroyed in the process. But it was worth it in the end, Zorua didn't get hurt that badly. I needed to wash out my hair of the dye in a fountain somewhere, but I eventually got to the pokemon center and got Nurse Joy to check on Zorua. She said that Zorua was all good to go but she needed a lot of rest. Finally I didn't expect my friend from Pallet to get adopted and drop out of the League Circuit.

I mean I'm happy that he has found a family of his own, as weird as the circumstances are. For goodness sakes they're technically family but they're both looking for his birth family. I personally wouldn't look for something I never had from the start and just appreciate what I do have, or try to get something I want. I also got chewed out by Gramps for being reckless. I even got a call from Daisy telling me to be careful. It's nice to have people that care about you.

As for my rewards from the quest, I got an embarrassing superhero name but it made the kids happy that I signed their school notes under that name. I also got thanks from their parents who showed up later. I had put back on my disguise which really only hid my eye color. I guess the increased rep with kids just makes them friendlier around me. And now the egg, I have no idea what's in it, my scan won't tell me anything besides it being healthy. But it'll hatch around the same time as the Charmander egg, and it even came with an incubator which is nice. I won't lie though, carrying around two eggs while I journey isn't the most convenient. I'll try to stay away from carrying eggs unless I'm going to be hanging out in some place for a while. Last up is the TM Steel Wing, I had already taught it to Pidgeotto for his big fight tomorrow.

[Pidgeotto (Shiny) ♂



Potential: Platinum grade (4 stars)

Bond: 30%

HP: 72

Attack: 36

Defense: 41

Sp. Attack: 42

Sp. Defense: 36

Speed: 48


Keen Eye/ Accuracy can't be lowered

Big Pecks/ Defensive stats can't be lowered

Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Air Slash, Brave Bird, Whirlwind, Steel Wing

Evolution Requirement: Lvl.36 or Lvl.40 + Bond 100% + Meteorite Shard + Rainbow Feather]

As I thought, there's a secondary evolution for Pidgeotto, and the meteorite that I have can be exchanged for 5 meteorite shards. The rainbow feather can be bought from the shop for 60 PGQ coins, a little pricey but with my reward money from the quest I can afford it. But with steel wing in our arsenal we're definitely ready for tomorrow's battle. My only concern is Feebas, she has an advantage against Brock's Onix but her level is the lowest on the team. Not only that, her stats are pretty low in comparison. But I know that she will shine just as brilliantly as the rest.

[Feebas (Shiny) ♀



Potential: Platinum grade (4 stars)

Bond: 83%

HP: 45

Attack: 16

Defense: 22

Sp. Attack: 19

Sp. Defense: 32

Speed: 43


Swift Swim/ Boosts speed in rain or water by 2x

Oblivious/ Stats can't be lowered, attracted, or taunted

Adaptability/ Increase damage of moves of the same type from 1.5x to 2x

Moves: Flail, Dragon Breath, Mirror Coat, Water Gun, Tackle, Surf

Evolution Requirement: Increase Beauty (met), or Prism Scale]

It seems that Feebas is ready to evolve, but I don't know why she hasn't yet. Too bad I'm not a professor who specializes in pokemon evolution. I would know more about the ins and outs of pokemon evolution. But even if Feebas doesn't evolve I'm still going to fight alongside her, she's a precious companion. She'll be the strongest Feebas that ever lived.

I'm ready for tomorrow's battle, but that was the least of my concerns. I only have 201k pokedollars, now that sounds like a lot, but it's not enough for items in the store. Such as TMs, evolutionary items, stat boosting items, meal plans, and etc. I need to discover some source of income. Should I become a music artist again in this life? But those are questions for tomorrow, it's already 3am and my battle is scheduled for 10am. I'll be cutting it close with 6 hours of sleep…

Pewter City is gonna wrap up soon, you guys are awesome!

ReinAndHaloscreators' thoughts