
Lost on The Path of Life

The main character Rían gets another shot at life, meanwhile being a source of entertainment for cosmic beings. Follow along as the once cold character learns to be warm and forge his own path. Maybe a little lost, but we’re all lost on the path of life… ~Author’s Thoughts~ Getting tired of waiting for some stories to update so decided to write my own. The main world will be Pokemon the anime, but with some twists. My hope is to have the readers also make suggestions as the story is written, I love author reader interactive stories. However, I won’t go too crazy and change the story completely. Also I don’t any of the franchises that are referenced (wish I was that genius), beside the characters I create.

ReinAndHalos · Cómic
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22 Chs

Chapter 09 Going Off With a Bang

Making it to the entrance of Viridian City we find a police outpost and it seems Officer Jenny isn't there at the moment. I take a moment to look at a public notice on a bulletin board. "Beware of pokemon thieves, criminals on the rise. Make sure to contact Officer Jenny in your area and report any suspicious behavior." Team Rocket, a not so secret underground organization stationed in Kanto. They were wiped out by the previous Champion Red years ago before he went missing in Mt. Silver. But it seems with the disappearance of Red they've had time to reorganize and grow in secret. As of late they haven't really operated in the open but it seems like turbulent times are coming.

Moving on I try to catch up to Misty while looking for the local Pokemon Center, eventually I find by asking around. The building is a huge white building with a semi-circle in the back and a red ball in the center. Looking at the sign in front of the building that says, "Viridian City Pokemon Center." I've confirmed I've found the right place, I head inside to look for Ash and Misty.

(A/N: Pokemon Center)

Inside I find Ash looking worried and Misty who is a lot more calm sitting in a booth, and her charred bike somewhere on the side. Walking up to the duo I greet them, "Hey guys what's got you so down?"

Ash looks up before recognizing that it's me, but his chipper attitude is nowhere to be seen. "Hey Rian, thanks a lot for giving me that potion. Nurse Joy said that if Pikachu hadn't had that emergency stop measure his condition would've been a lot worse. We're just waiting for Nurse Joy to finish the treatment."

Misty decides to give her two cents on the issue, "That's what happens when an amateur doesn't think things through and angers a flock of Spearow. Now because of your incompetence that poor Pikachu had to pay." Her harsh words seem to hit a sore spot as Ash depressingly collapses on the table.

"Rian, do you think that I'm a failure? Should I just give up and try the circuit later?" It seems his first failure has really hurt his confidence in trying to achieve his dreams. While I do think his choices were quite stupid, but things aren't unsalvageable.

"While I do think it was dumb of you to try to catch a Spearow without first making sure Pikachu would listen to you, and quitting the circuit until you're ready to participate is an option. I don't think things are so bad that you need to quit. Failures are okay, as long as you learn from them and don't repeat the same mistakes. Just be more careful in the future and don't risk your pokemon's safety."

"As expected of a great trainer like Rian, giving great advice to your peers even though they're incompetent like Ash."

"Jeez you don't need to keep putting me down like that.."

"And when will you be paying me back for my destroyed bike, huh!?"

"Umm I kinda don't have any money to pay you back… But I'll make sure to pay you back someday!"

Moving away from this conversation I go to the reception area where Nurse Joy has returned. She's a young woman wearing a thigh length pink nurse uniform and a white cap with a medical cross. Supposedly all Nurse Joys look alike, I wonder if there's anyone out there that can differentiate them. "Hi Nurse Joy, I'd like to register for the Indigo League Circuit. Do you mind helping me out?"

(A/N: Nurse Joy)

Even though she looks slightly tired from finishing up a pokemon treatment, she responds with a warm and polite tone. "Sure thing young man, just let me scan your trainer ID in the system and you'll be registered for the League. Do you know how the League works?"

Handing her my phone with my ID on the screen, she takes a moment to scan it and input something onto the computer at her desk. "I know how the League works but I wouldn't mind a refresher."

"Right, as you know the Indigo League Circuit is a tournament for any trainer currently in Kanto and is broadcast throughout the region. Once you've registered at a Pokemon Center like you just have, you are officially registered for the Circuit. With this you can challenge gyms and earn the badges, you can challenge gyms outside of the CIrcuit but you won't get any prizes or their respective badges. Know that the badges have a chip that is registered for this year's tournament, but you'll need to earn new ones if you want to challenge it again in the future. Only competitors that have collected all 8 badges of the League official gyms can participate in the official tournament. Can I help you with anything else?"

"I'm good Nurse Joy, my pokemon haven't taken any damage and only need to eat and rest. But I heard you guys offer temporary lodging for trainers, do you have a room?."

"It's not a problem young man, I wish you good luck on your journey and remember to visit a pokemon center if you need your pokemon healed. Don't hesitate to go in if you're worried about fees, pokemon centers are free to registered trainers and are funded by the Kanto League. Here's a key to room 113 on the upstairs floor, make sure to return your key before you leave." She hands me a plain white keycard with my room number on it.

After finishing my business with Nurse Joy I make my way back to my friends, who have stopped arguing. "Hey Ash you should probably register for the Circuit now if you still want to compete."

"Thanks Rian I'm going to head over to do just that, and I'll also check on Pikachu in the medical ward." With that he heads out leaving me and Misty, and I think it's time for us to talk about the future.

"Hey Misty I'm going to head to Pewter City tomorrow morning through Viridian Forest. I wanted to know your plans before, I know we talked about traveling together but I just wanted to hear your thoughts."

"Thanks for asking Rian, you're such a thoughtful guy. I'm sorry but I'm going to follow Ash and make sure he pays me back for my ruined bike. I really would have loved traveling with you but I can't let go of this so easily. I hope we can meet in the future, we should definitely do something together next time we see each other." She gives me a wink at her suggestion of a date together.

Brushing off her date invitation, I give her a polite smile, "It's alright Misty, stay safe out there. Sure I don't mind hanging out with a friend." She deflates at my friendzone comment, I'm getting better at this social wordplay but I'll stay on my toes. If I'm being honest with myself I have more of a sigma male personality. I get along with people but I'm more about keeping to myself than trying to validate myself externally. Maybe I might have a traveling companion in the future but that's a bit of a ways away. For now I'll focus on me and training my own pokemon. I head upstairs to my room, so I can feed my pokemon and take care of the egg I got from Gramps. But I can't help but feel like I forgot something…

-In room 113-

The room is pretty basic with a small kitchen connected to a bedroom and then a small bathroom with a shower. I do a quick inventory to check what I have so far. Three Dino Caps, one with a small cabin I took from Pallet, the second one filled to the brim with various ingredients for food that won't spoil and the last one holding my secret project. In my bank balance I only have 113k pokedollars. I have one TM for Surf and two shop vouchers. For my party I have Zorua Lvl.7, Feebas Lvl.11, and Charmander's egg which will hatch in 13 days.

With everything accounted for I decided to redeem the food voucher so I can get some beauty increasing food for Feebas. Going into the PGQ Shop I click on the inventory tab and choose to use my custom pokemon food coupon. A huge list of food is available but only one a month supply for each. Luckily there's a search bar otherwise I'd scroll through hundreds of different poke food supplies. I finally found the poke food I'm looking for, beauty and growth Feebas feed. After selecting and confirming my order a notification that I can take it from my profile inventory at any time. Unfortunately I can't put items back after taking them out. Taking it out of my inventory I'm surprised to see it came in a Dino Cap, which is a free Dino Cap I can use for storing other pokemon food.

Getting ready to feed my pokemon I take Zorua from her spot and set her on my temporary bed. I take some food from my Dino Cap and start preparing dinner, some savory Taurus curry. I prepare two plates and put a bowl of Feebas' food out. Moving to the bathroom I fill the tub with water and finally let Feebas out of her ball. "Fee, fee." She happily splashes about, probably glad to be back in some water. "Here Feebas I got you some special food just for you." I sprinkle the food in the water and she starts eating it like a koi in a pond. Meanwhile me and Zorua enjoy our curry. After taking a bite I'm instantly transported in some curry dreamland sliding down a curry hill on a Taurus. I remember the first time I ate pokemon, at first I was weirded out, but it's kinda like regular chickens or cows after awhile. Once we finish up I clean the dishes and the tub. Filling up a water basin for Feebas to relax in while I get ready for a shower.

I make sure to give Zorua a bath first before I go in so she can dry in the meantime. In the middle of my shower I hear a big *BOOM* out of nowhere making me slip in the shower hitting my forehead on the wall. It didn't do any significant damage but it sure as hell wasn't pleasant. Wrapping a towel around my waist I hurry into my room. "Zorua you stay here and guard our belongings, if anyone strange comes in knock them out! Feebas it's your turn to shine today, you ready?" "Kyu!" "Fee!" Grabbing Feebas I head out in nothing but a tightly wound knee length towel. I ran towards the source of the noise in the medical ward.

Bursting through the door with a kick and a Feebas in arm, I look around to assess the situation. Inside I see Misty and Ash guarding Nurse Joy and some pokemon. Across from them are the would-be assailants with an Ekans, Koffing and Meowth. Commanding them is a man and woman with blue and red hair respectively, but what catches my eye the most is the big red 'R' on their white uniform. They look a little roughed up from some electric attacks, nothing major enough to put them out of commission.

Meanwhile I'm checking the situation, everyone else in the room is looking at me in my towel. The girls are blushing at seeing my chiseled lean body. My light caramel skin compliments my long white hair that drops a little below my shoulders. While the two guys in the room are baffled by my attire and confidence. Before anyone can say anything I interject. My face filled with indignation and absolute fury. "Team Rocket I knew miscreants such as yourself wouldn't have the common decency to not bother people in the shower. It's high time someone teaches you why your organization was in hiding before. Feebas! Hit them with Dragon Breath full power!"

Before they could retort, Feebas began charging her attack. "Feeeee-basssss!!!" Out comes a wave of powerful purple draconic flames blasting them through the wall and into the sky until they become a twinkle in the sky.

"Team Rocket is blasting off!…." Their voices trailing off as they fly into the distance.

Seeing that the situation is handled everyone breathes out a sigh of relief. Suddenly as if the realization that a half-naked hunk was in the room Misty starts trying to cover her eyes. "Ahhh Rian what're you doing!? Put on some clothes!"

Next Nurse Joy who covers her mouth as she laughs playfully responds. "Yes, while your help was appreciated young man I think it's best if you get clothes. It's a shame you aren't a few years older though fufufu."

The only one with his head in the game, Ash, asks the most pertinent questions. "Wait Rian you know team Rocket? Who are those guys?"

Ignoring the blushing mess that is Misty, and the playful flirts of Nurse Joy I focus on Ash. "I don't know who those people were specifically. But I know about the organization they're part of. Team Rocket is an underground powerhouse, they have a hand in most shady parts of the underworld from pokemon trafficking to the black market. Previously they were a major power trying to take over Kanto but they were destroyed by the previous Kanto Champion, Red. They've been pretty quiet ever since, but it seems they're trying to amass power by stealing pokemon."

The playful atmosphere soon breaks and everyone's faces are filled with seriousness. Although Ash seems to be fanboying about the Red trivia. Nurse Joy is the first to take charge of the situation. "I'm thankful to all of you for helping me with those nefarious Team Rocket. But leave this to the adults, you are just kids. You should be focusing on your journeys and growing as a trainer. Go ahead and rest up tonight, I'll take care of this with Officer Jenny."

With that we say goodbye and return to our respective rooms. Once inside I put Feebas in her little water basin. "Good job today Feebas, you blew those baddies away like it was nothing. I'm proud to own a Feebas as great as you." With some praise and massaging her scales I check on Zorua. I'm relieved to find that the trio was the only Team Rocket goons present, and that all our belongings are still safe. After giving her a scratch behind the ears for the good job she did I went back to finish my shower.

After calming down I finally remembered who these goons were. It was Jessie, James and Meowth from the original show. It seems what I forgot was them attacking this Pokemon Center. Even though I have an enhanced memory, the memories from my previous life aren't edactic. So what memories I've held onto is all I remember from then. But people should focus on the present rather than being stuck in the past.

After trying off and changing into my dragonite onesie I start to think about the future. If I'm in a situation with multiple Team Rocket goons they aren't going to play fair. It looks like all those years of learning swordsmanship wasn't a waste. I found a wooden bokuto in the shop for 5 PGQ coins (5000 pokedollars). Materializing it in my hands I do a few practice swings to test out the weight. If I coat it with some aura I'll be able to deflect some pokemon attacks. Satisfied with my purchase I find I can collapse it like a baton to make it easier to carry.

With everything settled I get to bed, I still need to wake up early and make my way to Pewter City. Where I'll get my first badge. There's also a certain pokemon I want to catch with the help of my Compass of Desire. Anyway it's time for dreamland…


-In the sky-

Unbeknownst to the protagonist the Team Rocket goons are discussing their encounter with him. "That trainer was very strong, I didn't even get a good look at his pokemon."

"That's because you were too busy checking out his body Jessie, he wouldn't be interested in an old lady like you."

"Meowth that's right!"

"Grrr shut up you dolts! You don't talk about a lady's age like that!" She tries to smack them but their flight through the sky didn't let her arms reach them.

"Hmm those things aside he must have other strong pokemon since he's such a strong trainer, maybe we could steal his pokemon!?" The blue haired man proposed to his partners in crime, Jessie and Meowth.

"You're right James!"

"Meow, you fools, did you forget how strong he was? There's no way we would win."

*collective sigh*

The man now identified as James comes up with an idea, "You know that Pikachu was pretty good too, and that tweety looking kid doesn't look that strong."

"Yes, Pikachu is good, worthy to be given to the boss!"

"It's Puurfect!"

Seemingly coming to a decision unbeknownst to anyone else, the protagonist lucks out having scared away a future annoyance.

(A/N: Team Rocket)

Got another chapter done because work was really slow today. Leave a comment if you want to see bath towel battle ready Rian. If you guys want that then I’ll try to do a sketch with him and Feebas. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

ReinAndHaloscreators' thoughts