
Lost memories (Ajiboye joy)

It's a story about a girl who lost her memories but found herself in a guy's Mansion. They fell in love with each other but their obstacle is their family. Will she give up her love for him? The answer of this question will unravel in the story. Common readers, let's embark on this tragic and romantic journey together.

Ajiboye_Joy · Adolescente
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41 Chs


Ahh!!! A voice was screamed as the car went down the cliff and boom! Fire exploded.

People started gathering, some were shaking their heads while some tried calling fire fighters and an ambulance.

*Few minutes later*

An ambulance parked while the fire fighters tried doing their job. Reporters were seen, they were trying to capture what just happened.

*The Kingston's Mansion*

The family sat on the sofa as they saw the incident on the TV. With the reporters saying;

A car went down the cliff in Ariana avenue close to Madona restaurant. The car contained a girl in her late teens and she has an I.D card and her name is...

Mr Kingston switched off the T.V and rushed out of the house after comprehending what just happened with the rest of the family running behind him.

They arrived at the scene but was shocked to not find her there. They asked around but she was no where to be found.